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Mother and Son Are Deprived of Their Right to Social Identities

August 27, 2005 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) The Chinese Communism Party (CCP) deprived a mother and her son of the right to get their social identities (ID cards) just because she practices Falun Gong. Her 20-year-old son is presently unable to get a job and has been suffering the consequences of this action.

Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Mou Yongxia from Daqing City, Heilongjiang Province is 57 years old. She is an excellent middle school teacher. Because she firmly insists on practicing Falun Dafa, she has been detained in the local detention center and the psychiatric hospital, where she has experienced brutal persecution. Daqing City ordered the police from the district branch to implicate her son in this matter. For more than a year the authorities have revoked their social identities.

Before Ms. Mou started practicing Falun Gong, she was very weak. For a long time she was unable to find a cure. From the time he was 4 years old, her son accompanied her to see doctors. He also did housework. When, due to heart disease, his mother was unable to eat normally, he would make rice soup and take it to her bedside. He also brought her basins of water for her to wash her feet. Since the age of 5, the son has been able to cook meals. When he was 9, his mother became paralyzed. Not only could she not play with him, but also he sometimes had to help her get up. With one arm around her waist, he held his mother's other arm and put it on his shoulder. In this way one of her arms would hold his neck and use him as a crutch. He wished that his mother could walk, but she couldn't.

One day, she started to practice Falun Dafa. Without taking even a bit more medicine, she recovered. Her son was so happy. However, six months later the practice was banned. Because his mother refused to renounce Falun Gong, after another year, she was forced to stop working, and their financial situation has since been very difficult. The son said, "Mom, don't worry. When I grow up I'll earn the money to support you!" After another year passed, his mother was arrested and detained for half a year. His father married another woman, and the maternal grandmother passed away in sorrow. The family was broken apart. After that, the son worried a lot. In the past he was an excellent student who even skipped a grade. Yet amid such a personal disaster he could not continue his studies.

In recent years, all the son has wanted to do was to work and earn some money to support his and his mother's basic living costs. However, as all employers ask for a social identity, he could not find a job. He was very worried and wept in despair. On June 3, 2005, his mother tried to get her social identity back again. However, not only did the police not give her the ID, they even arrested her. At the same time, the police confiscated her wallet, which had 600 yuan in it, her cell phone and other personal belongings. They detained her in Daqing Detention Center and punished her by making her sit on a metal chair for an extended period. She lost consciousness for an entire day because of the torture. When she was bailed out of custody, her whole body had black and purple bruises, and she had to be looked after by relatives and friends.

The police did not reinstate their social identities and took away the certificates that they needed to get their IDs (receipts of purchase and sale of their houses, etc.) When the son went to obtain the ID, they still gave him trouble. Now the son is so worried that his throat aches and he finds it hard to eat.

We ask all kind-hearted people to help them, and call upon the Chinese authorities to stop involving families of Falun Dafa practitioners in the persecution, give Ms. Mou Yongxia and her son their social identities, and stop disturbing their lives.