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European Practitioners Respectfully Wish Great and Merciful Master a Happy Mid-Autumn Moon Festival

September 22, 2005 |  

All Practitioners from Turkey Respectfully Wish Great and Merciful Master a Happy Mid-autumn Festival

Merciful and great Master:

As this Mid-Autumn Festival approaches, we Turkish practitioners send greetings to you and respectfully wish you a happy Mid-Autumn Festival. We will certainly follow the process of Fa-rectification with righteous thoughts and righteous actions, do the three things well, firmly walk well every step on the path of Godhood, and requite your merciful saving and your infinite grace with our actions.

All practitioners from Turkey

September 17, 2005

All Practitioners from Holland Wish Master a Happy Mid-Autumn Festival

Master, please rest assured, we will steadfastly do the three things well, and not disappoint Master's merciful salvation.

All practitioners from Holland

Mid-Autumn Festival 2005

All Practitioners from Finland Respectfully Wish Merciful and Great Master a Happy Mid-Autumn Festival

Dear Master, please rest assured, we will certainly do the three things well as required for Fa-rectification period practitioners and be diligent in our cultivation and saving all sentient beings.

All practitioners from Finland

Falun Dafa Practitioners from Slovakia Respectfully Wish Benevolent Great Master a Happy Mid-Autumn Festival

Master, please rest assured, we will do the three things well.

Practitioners in the UK Respectfully Wish Great and Merciful Master a Happy Mid-Autumn Festival

The Holy King has turned the wheel for thirteen years
With heart's labors and spirit's sufferings, not abandoning the predestined relationship
So much boundless compassion has been shown towards sentient beings
Layers upon layers of numerous Fa boats

Source: http://clearharmony.net/articles/200509/28883.html