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Righteous Thoughts Helped Me Get My Salary Back

October 14, 2006 |   Written by a Dafa practitioner in Mainland China

(Clearwisdom.net) I started practicing Falun Gong in July 1998. Dafa changed me into a totally new person. All the illnesses that I had before disappeared; hence I no longer needed to take any medicine. After July 20, 1999 (the day the Chinese Communist regime started to persecute Falun Gong), I continued to spread Falun Gong and clarify the facts about Falun Gong. The local 610 Office, and the public security bureau regarded me as a key person (one they needed to watch). Due to my insufficient Fa study and lack of righteous thoughts, I was illegally arrested by the 610 Office and the local office of the National Security Bureau in 2002 when I attempted to help some practitioners who had been released from a brainwashing center.

During my detention I asked Teacher to help me so that I could have righteous thoughts to deny the vicious policemen's words and behaviors, and not cooperate with the police. When the police wanted to take pictures of me, I asked Teacher to strengthen me with righteous thoughts to know that I am cultivating Falun Dafa and doing the most righteous and best thing in the universe. It is true that the policemen could not take pictures of me - they are very low-level beings compared to me. They are controlled by evil demons, while I am a Falun Dafa practitioner. As a result, the police were unable to take any pictures of me despite several attempts. In the end, they had to go to my work unit and get a photograph from my personal file.

During this whole time, I kept clarifying the truth about Falun Dafa to them. I told them that Falun Dafa is good, and that "good results in good returns, and evil is met with evil returns." Consequently, while processing my case, they could not open the iron door to the jail cell. Even the master key would not open the door. Eventually, they had to use a steel saw, and it still took several hours for them to pry the door open. Using this opportunity while the police were busy, the other practitioners used this moment to escape. When the policemen were unable to find the practitioners, they intended to sentence me to three years of forced-labor. At that moment I used my righteous thoughts to deny their decision. However, the righteous thought that I had was not very thorough, because at that moment I thought to myself, "Serve three years of forced labor? You cannot decide. It is we, the Falun Dafa practitioners who make the decisions. I will come out in less than a year." As a result, I was sent to the forced labor camp.

In the forced labor camp, I searched inside myself: "Why am I suffering from such persecution?" Very quickly I discovered the reason. First of all, I had not been studying the Fa sufficiently; hence I was not doing what Dafa required. Secondly, my righteous thoughts were not strong enough; hence I was unable to deny the vicious persecution in its entirety. Once I found the source of my problems, I constantly kept the three words, "Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance" in my heart and head. I started to memorize the book Zhuan Falun and I always remembered that I am a Fa-rectification Dafa practitioner. I did not stop doing the three things that are required of practitioners. As a result, with the help of Teacher's mighty power, I successfully came out of the forced labor camp after nine months.

After that, I went to the company where I worked. My colleagues said, "Such a nice person like you was even arrested and put in jail." They also encouraged me and said, "Don't be afraid. You didn't do anything wrong. We should have freedom of belief." I felt very happy to know that these people had understood the truth about Falun Dafa. Teacher says,

"There's something I told you before. I said: what is a Buddha? 'Tathagata' is what human beings call someone who's come with the truth and the power to do what he wants, whereas real Buddhas are guardians of the cosmos and are responsible for all righteous elements in the cosmos." ("Teaching the Fa at the Western U.S. Fa Conference" in Guiding the Voyage).

This line immediately appeared in my mind. I suddenly realized that we are the Law Kings in this universe, and we are cultivating the most righteous law in the universe. Once our thoughts are righteous, the old forces will be eliminated. We need to maintain righteous thoughts constantly. The energy we send out can disintegrate the evil elements in other dimensions and influence the environment around us, hence more people will get to know the truth and be saved. Thus, I decided to go ask my managers to return my salary that he had been withholding for the past nine months.

First, I asked the payroll manager. Their reply was that it was absolutely impossible. Since I was imprisoned, he said, I should not be paid. At that moment, I thought, "A cultivator cultivating in the most righteous Fa in the universe, and assimilating to the principles of the universe, 'Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance,' - what kind of crime have I committed?! What kind of mistakes have I made?! Those who persecuted me should be held responsible." Then, along with my family members, I went to the local 610 Office to reason with them and to demand that they return the paychecks they had withheld while I was "illegally detained" in the forced labor camp.

At first, they were unwilling to give them to me. In order not to be held liable, they even threatened me, "We won't give you the paychecks. Go back to work immediately. Someone reported on you distributing Falun Gong materials again." While sending forth righteous thoughts to entirely deny the old forces' arrangement, I pointed out the fact that their persecution of Falun Gong practitioners violated the law. I said, "You claim that it is I who have caused 'social unrest.' As a matter of fact, everybody says that it is you who have actually done so." They still tried to find some excuses by saying, "We invited you, not abducted you." I thought, "Could you invite someone to be sentenced to three years of forced-labor?" At that point my family members also berated them and pointed out that their behavior was against the law, and that they would be held liable in the future. In the meantime, I told them that "good would be rewarded with good and evil would meet with evil." One righteous mind can subdue one hundred evils. They were all silent. Eventually, they called my company to immediately return the withheld paychecks to me.

The payroll manager from my company complained, "Those people from the '610 Office' are a nuisance. They arrest and release you randomly. Now they don't have any written reason to allow us to give you your paychecks." They did not realize that everyone in the 610 Office knew that they were doing evil things, hence they dared not to leave behind any proof of their own criminal behavior.

At this point I was supposed to get back my paychecks. However, when I went there, the payroll department attempted to play some tricks on me so that they could still hold part of my salary, claiming that I had to pay income tax. (My pay was not large enough to be taxable). I understood that their intention was vicious. We, the Fa-rectification Dafa practitioners are responsible for every single righteous thing in the universe. Therefore, I told them, "It is illegal to deduct taxes. My monthly salary has not reached the minimum required to be taxable." Nevertheless, they still withheld some part of my salary. They claimed, "You go tell on us." At first thought, I wanted to give up and not be bothered with the details regarding these ordinary people. Yet I immediately realized that I was wrong. It looked as if it was an ordinary person who refused to pay me the amount that I deserved. As a matter of fact, it was the evil that was taking advantage of an ordinary person's greed to find fault in me. Is it right for Dafa practitioners to suffer physical punishment and have our paychecks taken away? Hence, I picked up the phone right away and called the tax bureau to ask for the manager. I explained to the person that I practiced Falun Gong, that I was illegally sentenced to forced labor, and that my salary was not enough to be taxable. I asked why I needed to pay income tax. I also asked him to show me the relevant document if he claimed I had to pay. The manager at the tax bureau told me that there was no such document and that our payroll department needed to go to the tax bureau to get some training on this matter. The payroll manager noticed that things did not go as they had planned; hence they had to give me the full amount of my salary. When I was walking downstairs, I saw some colleagues who asked me how much bonus I got. This just reminded me that I also deserved all of the monthly bonuses, holiday bonuses and the other kinds of benefits that my company paid to its employees during the period of my illegal imprisonment. Therefore, I called payroll. Within thirty minutes, they called me back and told me to come get all of the bonuses.

This event surprised many people, including fellow practitioners and my family members. They found it hard to believe. Many of my colleagues and others said, "Had I known this earlier, I would have practiced Falun Gong as well!" It played a very positive role in helping people to understand the truth of Dafa. It also helped me to have a deeper view of the mighty power of Dafa which can do everything. As long as we ensure sufficient Fa study, involve ourselves in Dafa, be particles of Dafa, and constantly keep our thoughts righteous, all evil will be disintegrated in the face of Dafa .

At the end of 2002, I exposed the persecution of me and my family members on the Internet. The authorities have since ransacked my residence and found some truth-clarifying materials. They told me to go to the police station where I immediately told the truth to the policemen present. I told them, "I definitely will continue cultivating in this magnificent Dafa until the end. No matter how you persecute me, it will not work. You are not good enough. There are about a dozen of you in front of me, and I dare to tell you that ever since I cultivated in Dafa, I have become a very good person. I have never done anything bad. I can swear to heaven that I have been good to my relatives, friends, colleagues and society. Who among the dozen of you dares to say the same?"

A few policemen left after hearing what I said. They no longer wanted to be involved in the persecution against me. The rest still intended to ask more questions. I said, "It's useless. Force can restrict a person, but not his mind. You have illegally sentenced me to forced-labor. I have even survived such an evil and harsh place. What else am I afraid of."

In the meantime, I sent forth righteous thoughts to ask Teacher to strengthen my energy. "I'm a Dafa disciple. You aren't good enough to persecute me. Tell the police to stop asking more questions. I need to go home and do the three things well in order to offer salvation to more sentient beings." By then, the policeman had a severe headache and could not continue asking more questions. Hence, he had to say, "I won't arrest you. Go home, and however you practice, I won't mind." While saying so, the policeman waved his hand to let me go home.

In this way, under Teacher's help, I successfully went home where I can do the three things which are required for Dafa practitioners.