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Thoughts after Studying Master's New Articles

October 30, 2006 |   By practitioner Ye Xing

(Clearwisdom.net) I have studied Master's lecture "Teaching the Fa in Canada, 2006" seven times. The more I read it, the more I feel Master' compassionate and meticulous care for us. Master does not want to leave any disciple behind, and so Master has taught the Fa very clearly. Disciples will understand how to walk along the future path well immediately after reading the Fa. Master has taken pains in worrying about us, while we have not cultivated well in many aspects. Looking back, I feel very sorry and ashamed to face Master.

Master taught in "Teaching the Fa in Canada, 2006":

"So everything that you do, be it your balancing well your family relationships while you live among ordinary people, balancing well your relationships in society, how you perform at your workplace, how you conduct yourself in society, etc., none of these are things you can just go through the motions on. All of these are part of your cultivation format, and are serious matters."

I was one of those who have not balanced well my family relationships, and I had been interfered with by this for a very long time. I was very upset, and it showed in my relationship with my husband. He does not practice and did not receive much education. Furthermore, he has been deeply influenced by the CCP's culture, and his notion of absolutism is particularly strong. Therefore, he was not happy with Dafa, and was also against our activities in validating the Fa. In particular, after the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party was published, his misunderstandings grew even deeper. He said that we were playing politics and colluding in groups. However hard I clarified the truth to him, he would not listen because I was not compassionate enough to him. On the contrary, he started to curse Dafa and curse Master.

Because of this, my heart was almost broken, and I often argued or even quarreled with him. Sometimes when he abused me, I thought it was because I owed him in the past and was repaying the debt to him now and so I was able to forgive him. But each time I pasted the modified characters in Zhuan Falun, he would for sure curse me. When he was so irrational, I indeed wished to leave him. Sometimes when he cursed me, I even had bad thoughts about him: "Why doesn't Dafa penalize him to give him a lesson and let him understand."

But when I was reading the Fa, he did listen, and he did not stop me from reading the Fa or practicing the exercises. He also treated me quite well at times, so I was confused.

Now, through continuous Fa study, I have gradually realized that his behavior is related to my own cultivation. We cultivators practice "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance." I had not been compassionate enough and this gave the evil a gap to exploit. My loophole is my selfishness when I fail to understand others

Master said,

"Compassion can harmonize heaven and earth, ushering in spring.
Righteous thoughts can save the people in this world."

("The Fa Rectifies the Cosmos" in Hong Yin II)

When my thoughts changed, my attitude also changed. I sent forth righteous thoughts for him, eliminating all the dark hands, rotten demons, and the CCP evil specters that interfered with his accepting the truth of Dafa.

For a quite a long time now he hasn't abused me. I think this is because Master's compassion and the mighty virtue of Dafa have cured him and enabled him to have a bright future. Before, I always did Dafa work secretly, and I was very cautious not to let him know about it. This made it quite hard, and I was often nervous. Sometimes this even caused delays. Now, however, I can work openly and with dignity.

Through all this I have come to realize that a Dafa practitioner's cultivation environment cannot be controlled by the old elements. Only when we cultivate compassion, treat all sentient beings compassionately, and are aware of the Fa principles at every moment can we do Dafa work smoothly and walk well our paths arranged by Master.

My few improvements came because of Master's hints. This is what I wanted to share with fellow practitioners. Please kindly point out anything inappropriate.

October 3, 2006