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Past Leukemia Sufferer Is Now Healthy and in Great Shape

October 31, 2006 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) My name is Jia Yuemei. I am 43 years old. I am a farmer’s wife living in a village in Shandong Province.

This spring, I felt very weak and often had no appetite. I eventually went to the town hospital for an examination. The doctor told me that I had anemia. I was stunned, thinking that I might have a bad disease. The doctor suggested, "Why don’t you have a check up at a bigger hospital?" That scared me even more.

After the wheat harvest, my health became worse by the day. I became pale and was about to collapse. I went to the city hospital, and the doctor told me that I had anemia. But he told my family members that it was leukemia and asked us to stay. I began to cry hard.

In the hospital, the doctor consoled me everyday, but it was a very painful struggle for me. I felt that I might as well quit, since my illness was so difficult to cure. My husband also tried very hard to console me: "If you quit, what about us? What about the grandparents and the kids? The grandparents are over 70 years old and they are crying for you everyday." I said, "We are wasting money." My husband said, "As long as you can recover, I don’t mind spending tens of thousands of yuan." I felt even worse when he said that. We spent over 20,000 yuan in only 20 days in the hospital, and my situation did not improve. I said to my husband that we were poor farmers. How were we going to make that much money? I felt truly bad talking to him.

When I was desperate and could not come up with any solution, two female Falun Gong practitioners appeared in my room one morning. They came from a hundred kilometers away. I knew one of them. It surprised me a great deal. "How did you get here?!" I asked.

They said, "We came specifically to bring good fortune to you—a lifesaver." They also brought me a present, a card with "Falun Dafa is Great" inscribed on it. I was very happy. From then on, I kept reciting silently in my mind: "Falun Dafa is great. Truthfulness, Compassion, and Tolerance are great."

On the third night, I woke up from a dream while I was having a high fever. I saw the "lifesaver" dangling in front of my eyes and heard a voice telling me: "I am here to help you with your fever." Afterwards my fever was gone. I knew that it was our benevolent Teacher taking care of me. I could not describe my gratitude and respect for Teacher and Dafa. Two days later, I wanted to leave the hospital. Both the hospital personnel and my family members objected, but I insisted. I left the hospital and went home.

After going home, my illness improved everyday. The feeling in my heart became sweeter than honey.

I want to thank Teacher and Dafa for giving me a second life. I also want to thank the two practitioners who introduced to me the benefits of Falun Gong. If it were not for Dafa, I might have died already. It makes me cry thinking of all this.

Now I am totally recovered and in perfect shape. My facial tone is very healthy. People on the street often ask me, "How did you recover so quickly?" I tell them, "It is all thanks to Dafa and Teacher."

We live in a big village with over a thousand people. Because I recovered from my incurable disease, everyone in the village has recognized the wonder of Falun Gong. It also exposed the lies that the Chinese Communist Party fabricated against Falun Dafa.

Falun Dafa brought happiness to my whole family. Whenever I can, I tell people that Dafa is good. My whole family and everyone else in the village are also telling people that Dafa is good.

I have read Zhuan Falun several times. I have also learned all five exercises. Now I am a new practitioner of Falun Dafa.

Although I cannot express myself well, every word I have written is true. Please believe that "Falun Dafa is great. Truthfulness, Compassion, and Tolerance are great."