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Police in Tianmen City, Hubei Province, Break into and Ransack a School Teacher's Home

December 08, 2006 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) Note: The following is a condensed version of a longer and more detailed article that appeared on the Minghui.org website (Chinese version of Clearwisdom.net).

On November 9, 2006, Ms. He Meirong, a teacher in Tianmen City, Hubei Province, was in her office correcting students' homework when the school principal, Du Zhongliang, and Director He from the Zaoshi Police Station asked her to come out for a talk. She saw through their ill intention, so she refused to go with them. She tried to run away, but the two caught her and dragged her to the school entrance. They tired to force her to turn in her room key, but she refused. With the help of some kindhearted people, she was able to escape.

Under the direction of 610 Office Director Wang Xiaoping, policeman Xiao Changbing led dozens of people to ransack Ms. He's home. They broke in and took away her computer, printer, copy paper, purse, Teacher's portrait, Dafa books and articles, and an MP3s, among other things. As a matter of fact, the local police have ransacked her home many times. At present, she still cannot return to her teaching position.