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How My Daughter and I Experienced Eliminating the Evil Spirit of Communism with Righteous Thoughts

February 14, 2006 |   By a Falun Dafa disciple from Heilongjiang Province

(Clearwisdom.net) My daughter just started going to elementary school this year. She is a first grader and already facing the requirement to join the evil Communist Party's Young Pioneers League. The evil spirit of communism is dying, and it's putting up a last-ditch effort, desperately dragging these innocent children into the abyss of suffering.

One day my daughter told me that her teacher had arranged for her to join the Young Pioneers. I told my daughter that the Young Pioneers was an organization of the evil spirit of communism, that if she joined it she'd be marked by the evil, and that she would eventually be eliminated along with it. Wise people are hurrying to quit the Communist Party and choose a bright future for themselves, so she shouldn't join it. My daughter told me that a fellow practitioner from her class had said she didn't want to join, but the teacher said she had to. The teacher said that everyone should join, and she would report anyone that didn't to the principal. I decided to talk to the teacher the next day.

In the evening I sent forth righteous thoughts toward my daughter's teacher to eliminate the communist factors that were controlling and interfering with her. I began to consider how best to clarify the truth to her. I also decided that if she referred me to the principal I would take the opportunity to clarify the truth to the principal, too.

The next afternoon the teachers had a meeting and the students had class at 12:30 PM. All morning I continued to send forth righteous thoughts. I took my daughter to school, and I happened to run into her teacher, so I brought up the matter of my daughter joining the Young Pioneers League. I said that we shouldn't ask the children join the Young Pioneers, because everyone is quitting the CCP and its affiliate organizations, thereby ensuring themselves a better future. The teacher didn't want to hear any more. She said she understood, and then she turned around and left in a huff. I didn't feel well in my heart, because I felt I hadn't clearly clarified the truth to her.

When class was over that afternoon, my daughter happily told me that her teacher had announced to the class that she didn't have to join the Young Pioneers. Hearing that, I was very happy for her. I knew Master was benevolently protecting my daughter.

My daughter also told me that when the blood-red flag of the Communist Party raised up the flagpole, she sent forth righteous thoughts and asked Master to prevent the flag from being raised. Just as she'd asked, the flag didn't go up the pole.

The next Monday, when the flag was supposed to be raised, my daughter said she sent forth righteous thoughts again. Instead of going up the pole, a small stone came flying and hit the flag, tearing it loose from the lanyard. Then a blast of wind blew the flag away. The principal chased it, and it flew into the trashcan. All the students burst into laughter.

Hearing this, I told my daughter that any time the evil party staged an activity she should send forth righteous thoughts, because it's a great opportunity to eliminate the evil spirit of communism and fulfill her sacred mission. My daughter nodded joyfully.

January 30, 2006