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My Youngest Daughter Recovered from Cancer through Practicing Falun Dafa

February 18, 2006 |   By Chang Rong in Beijing

(Clearwisdom.net) There is an old saying, "Misfortune may actually be a blessing." I am 64 years old this year and have struggled in misery for decades until my children grew up, got married and started to work. My oldest daughter even has her own business. Compared with others, I felt my life was very good and I was satisfied. I lived my life in happiness.

However, the prosperity didn't last long, as my youngest daughter was suddenly diagnosed with cancer and it seemed like a death sentence. It seemed the sky had collapsed. Other issues followed such as, money, family and so on. The doctor said the medical bills that were not covered by insurance would be 100,000 yuan per month. I told the rest of my children, that she would be treated even if we lost everything. The happy feeling left me completely. My daughter had undergone stomach surgery and chemotherapy. Six months later, the cancer had spread to her lungs and lymph nodes. My oldest daughter brought news from the hospital that my youngest daughter had less than six months to live. I brought her to my home and decided to help her with her final journey.

At that time, my daughter had lost all her hair. She was very thin and looked awful. Every day she ate only rice congee or soup to maintain her life. Among the four children, I doted on her the most, so she was the pickiest eater. However now she was unable to eat or drink. At night, she laid in bed and cried, "Mom, I want to eat this or that." It wasn't that I couldn't afford to buy them, but she was unable to eat. Seeing her lay beside me so close to death, I felt as if a knife was piercing my heart. I cried all night. She suffered pain from the cancer and often cried, "Mom, I don't want to live any more." Imagine how a mother feels when hearing that... I just wanted to take all my savings and take her to see different places before she passed away.

At that time, I felt complete despair. Then my younger cousin (a Falun Gong practitioner), who knew the situation, came to talk with me, "Sister, I have just learned the news. The child is so pitiful. There is a practice that can save the child." I felt like I was seeing the dawn of light. As long as it could save my child's life, I would like to try it. I immediately agreed to give it a try. My cousin told me that her younger brother (my cousin as well) could explain it more clearly. That night, I went to my cousin's home and he introduced Falun Dafa to me (the principles, exercises, examples, and so on). The more I heard, the more I liked it, and the more hope I felt. He gave me the book of Zhuan Falun and told me to read one chapter per day and discuss it with him after finishing the second chapter.

After that, I took my child to his home every day and talked with him. Then a miracle happened. On the second visit, I saw my daughter's face change from pale to healthy red. Three days later, she quit vomiting after eating. On the fifth day she could eat a stuffed steamed bun. On the seventh day she stopped taking medicine. In front of my eyes, day-by-day, her physical condition improved and she described how she felt better and better. One month later, her hair started to grow back. It was so wonderful. My child had hope. My mind settled down and my happiness returned.

Through this miracle, I gradually started to learn about Dafa (although at that time all my attention was on my daughter). The validation of Dafa through the miracle broke the barrier in my mind. Just when I decided to learn the practice, a new situation arose that tried to interfere with me.

My granddaughter, my son's daughter, was raised by me. Even my son and my daughter-in-law were not allowed to intervene. There is an old saying, "The oldest child of the oldest son is the most precious one in the eye of grandma." She was just as important to my heart as my youngest daughter. I had very strong feelings for this child.

The saving of my daughter was like a stone being removed from my heart. I wanted to practice Dafa too. However, one day, my granddaughter left home because of a little conflict. I was worried that she might commit suicide (the child was very unsociable and eccentric). I looked for her everywhere, in riversides, woods and so on. I could not find her anywhere. My mind was totally lost, forgetting about everything else, including studying the Fa. I only thought of my granddaughter. (Later, my granddaughter came back on her own.) The incident interfered with me for a long time, which made me unable to start learning Dafa. Now that I recall, it was so difficult for me to start practicing Dafa. There were other factors that tried to prevent me from starting to practice. I won't go in to that here.

With the help of Master and fellow practitioners, I finally eliminated those obstacles and started to learn Dafa. I started practicing the exercises with my daughter. Since my daughter's dramatic changes, friends, relatives and neighbors have expressed their surprise when they saw me, "Your daughter looks very good, doesn't she?" At that time, the environment in China was very bad and no one dared to mention Falun Gong. I was afraid to say the truth. That night, a fellow practitioner said to me, "If a Chinese medical doctor had saved your daughter, when he is persecuted, no matter what others thought about him, wouldn't you put in a good word for him? Is it true that Falun Gong saved your daughter? From your conscience, shouldn't you say something about it? It is the Fa of "Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance" that has saved your daughter. The first word of the principle is "Truthfulness." Are you afraid to say a word of truth?" When I was asked again about my daughter's situation, I was able to say a word reluctantly, "Recovered through practicing Falun Gong." In fact, that time I said so from my own conscience as a human being.

Later, fellow practitioners guided me to read Master's lectures at different times. I started to understand the responsibility and mission of a Fa-rectification period Dafa disciple. I had a clear understanding in following and validating Dafa. I also understood why a fellow practitioner tried to help my daughter at the beginning for validating Dafa and saving more sentient beings.

Now, I no longer wait to be asked, I will initiate the conversation, no longer from an ordinary person's conscience, but with the clear aim to validate Dafa. I will talk to anyone I meet in different environments including community activities, weddings, funerals and so on. With my daughter's story, not only can I validate Dafa but also clarify the truth.

This is my story of how I started practicing Falun Dafa - from misery to happiness, happiness to disaster, and disaster to genuine happiness again. In following the cultivation path, I have a clear aim that is performing the responsibilities and missions of a Fa-rectification period disciple that Master has taught us. I should study the Fa more, correct myself at the same time, and do well the three things that Master requires. I should help save the sentient beings with the wisdom that Master and Dafa bestowed upon me and fulfill the prehistoric vows and honor the title of Fa-rectification Period Dafa Disciple.