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My Family and I Experienced the Wonders and Mighty Powers of Falun Dafa

February 05, 2006 |   By a Dafa practitioner in Liaoning Province, China

(Clearwisdom.net) I started practicing Falun Dafa on April 19, 1999. I finished reading Zhuan Falun in three days and read all of Teacher's articles in one month. During seven years of cultivation practice I benefited so much from Dafa that it is beyond words. I truly felt that it's a blessing to be able to practice Dafa. My family and I experienced firsthand the wonders and mighty powers of Dafa. I want to share Teacher's boundless compassion and my joy with fellow practitioners and people around the world. Thank you, Teacher, for compassionately saving me.

No injury from being tossed in the air after being hit by a car

One afternoon in April 2000, a practitioner and I were biking on the right side of the street when a minibus approached us head-on and raced directly at me. Before I could do anything, I heard a loud noise and everything went blank. A while later, when I came to, I moved my limbs and realized I had been hit by the minibus. My shoes were gone and my chest hurt so terribly that I could hardly breathe. My mind was very clear, however, and I remembered at once what Teacher said,

"We'd say that a good or bad outcome comes from one thought. The difference in one thought leads to different results." ("Improving Character" from "The Fourth Talk" in Zhuan Falun, 2003 translation version)

I thought, "I'm a practitioner, I'm fine," but I couldn't stand up!

The fellow practitioner helped me get up. My bike was under the wheel of the minibus. The minibus had flipped over. The windows were shattered, and the driver and passengers climbed out of the windows. The front of the minibus had caved in, a repair that later cost over 1,000 yuan. Witnesses told me that when the vehicle hit me I was tossed several meters into the air and fell on the curb. The minibus owner insisted on taking me to the hospital. During the medical examination I thought, "I practice Falun Gong. There's nothing wrong with me." Indeed, the results came out OK, and I didn't have any internal or external injuries. The doctor insisted that I should stay at the hospital for observation. Although my chest still hurt, I couldn't turn my head and I couldn't lift my arms, I still insisted on going home. I believe in Teacher and Dafa, and I knew I was eliminating karma by enduring pain. If it weren't for Teacher who protected me, I would have died. Teacher endured boundless karma for me. The pain I experienced was really insignificant.

The car owner was touched and offered me 2,000 yuan. My husband told him that I practice Dafa and would not take the money. He explained that I would be fine after staying home for a few days. The car owner was really surprised that I didn't take the money and felt he had met a really good person.

After I got home at noon, I started studying the Fa and doing the exercises. I returned to work in a week. My colleagues and neighbors knew that I practiced Dafa, and that I survived a frightening car accident. They witnessed the power of Dafa through my experience and said, "You have cultivated well and the gods and Buddhas are protecting you!" I told them, "It is the Teacher of Dafa who is protecting me!"

My husband benefits from Dafa

My husband had been suffering from a duodenal ulcer for many years. He had a stomach ache all day long and could not do heavy labor. After I started practicing Dafa, he also listened to Teacher's lectures and his ulcers disappeared. Prior to my practicing Dafa, he stayed home after being laid off and couldn't find a good job. Now he has a job with which he is very happy. On January 14, 2004, [Chinese lunar calendar], he accidentally broke the window on a door when getting off work. The broken glass severed three tendons in his left arm. The doctor said the glass was only 1 millimeter from a major artery. He narrowly escaped serious danger.

The other patients in his ward saw that he didn't even experience much pain from the injured tendons and was still quite strong. We told them to say, "Falun Dafa is good" and "Truth-Compassion-Tolerance is good" with sincerity, and their pain would lessen. They knew that I practiced Dafa and loved listening to me clarify the truth. I told them about the car accident, that I was fine and that the driver was touched by my kindness. A lot of the patients in the surgery ward had injuries from accidents. I told them not to believe the slanderous lies against Dafa that were on TV. Teacher teaches Dafa. He teaches people to be good and He saves people. They believed me and they believed that Dafa is good.

The doctor said my husband's tendons would adhere to one another, so a second surgery was needed. I thought, "I practice Dafa. Although my husband doesn't practice, he likes to listen to Teacher's lectures and he likes to clarify the truth. A miracle will happen." He left the hospital after only one week. After he went home, he listened to Teacher's lectures daily and clarified the truth to everyone.

The doctor told him that he would not regain the function in his fingers for another two months and only then would he be able to hold things. However, on the morning of the 20th day, he held up a ladle of water and could freely stretch and bend his fingers. He was ecstatic. When he went back to the hospital for a post-surgical checkup, the doctor said, "You recovered so quickly! I've never seen any case like yours. It's incredible!" My husband told the doctor that he benefited from Falun Gong. The doctor said, "You don't act like a practitioner, because you smoke." My husband said, "My wife practices Falun Gong. The whole family benefits from her practice. That's why I recovered so quickly." The doctor nodded in agreement.

The officials at the factory were very happy to see my husband's quick recovery without a second surgery. They knew that this was a blessing from learning Dafa. Everyone in the factory now knows Dafa is good.

My mother's tiny feet bound of more than eight decades stretched out

In March 2005, my 86-year-old mother who lived with my brother in the countryside was hospitalized with whole-body edema. She was diagnosed with liver cirrhosis and diabetes. The doctor thought she was too old to be treated, so they told my brother to take her home and prepare for her funeral.

My sister who worked in Beijing went to visit our mother and insisted that our mother be hospitalized. I thought, "I must have Mother live to see the "Fa" rectify the human world. Because she listened to Teacher's lectures when she stayed with me in 1999, I'll help her practice Dafa this time when she comes to the city." I worked during the day and went to the hospital in the evening to take care of Mother. I sent forth righteous thoughts and asked for Teacher's help. I wanted Mother to witness the wonders of Dafa, so sentient beings would have an opportunity to practice the Fa and be saved, and I completely negated the old forces' arrangements. Teacher has rearranged my life's path [as my family is an important part of my life, their paths must have also been changed] therefore my family also follows the path arranged by Teacher. My mother's swelling subsided after only 12 days in the hospital. People in the same ward with her said, "This old lady got well very quickly!" I said, "I practice Dafa. My family benefits from my practice." I told them about the miracles that happened to my husband and me, and I clarified the truth about Dafa. They all believed that Dafa is good. One of the patients, a teacher, began to practice Dafa.

I suggested to my sister for Mother to live with me after she was discharged, so that I could help her listen to Teacher's lectures. My sister believes that Dafa is good, but she was worried about me because the police had illegally arrested me earlier. But only Dafa could save our mother. Before she returned to Beijing my sister said to me, "As long as Mom can be cured, let her study [Dafa]." My mother is illiterate and sometimes forgetful, but I know that Dafa is supernatural and omnipotent! Because I could not take care of Mother while at work, with Teacher's help I found a fellow practitioner to help look after her. This practitioner took thorough care of my mother and taught her to say, "Falun Dafa is good," "Truth-Compassion-Tolerance is good," and "Teacher is good." At first, Mother could not say these phrases, but now she says them well and can listen to two of Teacher's audio lectures every day.

Soon, miracles took place: Mother was a bit deaf before, but now she can hear very well! Teacher cleansed Mother's body for her. She started to vomit filthy stuff in reddish and purplish colors. She also had her bowels and bladder thoroughly cleansed. She was in great spirits. A while back, my sister told me she was coming to visit Mother. I was worried that she would not understand the cleansing state Mom was in, a process of eliminating karma. I knelt before Teacher's picture and pleaded, "Teacher, please don't eliminate my mother's karma while my sister is here. Please let my sister see the wonders of Dafa. She is a very kind person. I'm sure she also has a predestined relationship with Dafa." After my sister came, Mother didn't experience any karma elimination. She was very high spirited. My sister was really happy to see our Mother in such great shape after seven months, without taking a single pill. Miraculously, Mom started to grow black hair where she had lost her white hair, and seven new teeth popped out of her bare gums. Her tiny, bound feet that had been curled for more than eight decades stretched out like normal feet!

Miracles with my sister and aunt

My sister saw the changes in our mother and could hardly contain her joy. She said, "This is a miracle! This is supernormal!" She is now more convinced of Dafa. She tells Mother to say, "Falun Dafa is good" when Mom experiences a slight discomfort. She said she was almost a Dafa practitioner herself. When she visited her mother-in-law, she told her about the changes in our mother. She asked her mother-in-law to also say "Falun Dafa is good." My sister had ovarian cysts and the doctor told her she needed surgery. She doesn't want to have any surgery and asked me if she could be cured by saying "Falun Dafa is good!" I told her with full confidence, "Absolutely! You'll be cured if you truly believe in Teacher and say it with sincerity."

In the evening she lay on the bed and started to say, "Falun Dafa is good," "Truth-Compassion-Tolerance is good." After a little while, she laughed out loud. I asked, "What are you laughing about?" My sister said a gust of air came over the site of her illness and her stomach undulated up and down. She could not hold it down with her hands. It was indeed miraculous. I told her, "Because you have a good heart and you believe in Dafa, Teacher is now helping you. Keep saying it!"

My aunt had suffered a nervous breakdown 40 years ago. For the past four decades, she never repeated others' words and could not remember anything. She never curses or hits people, but just sits on the bed all day long. I went to see her and told her to say, "Falun Dafa is good!" She immediately started repeating the words. Her son and daughter-in-law were amazed. She never forgot these words. Although a woman in her 70s, she says them well and says that these words are pleasing to the ear. I was so excited that I cried.

Teacher is saving all people in the world with great compassion, and He is saving all sentient beings while maximally considering ordinary people's understanding and capabilities to accept Dafa. Teacher is truly "handling human affairs of every sort." ("Cold and Alone Up High" from Hong Yin)

My family and I have experienced firsthand the extraordinary wonders and beauty of Dafa. All of our family members and friends who visited my mother saw that Teacher is speaking only the truth, and they believe Dafa is good. They have all announced their withdrawals from the Chinese Communist Party.

Fellow practitioners, Teacher will help us if we have strong righteous thoughts. The miraculous mighty power of Dafa will continuously manifest in the world, and we will increasingly experience the situation of, "Gods are in the human world, validating the Fa." (a line from Hong Yin II; unofficial translation)

I hereby thank revered Teacher! Heshi!