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Do Not Let One's Own Attachments Interfere with Saving Sentient Beings

February 08, 2006 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) About six months ago, I dreamt that my colleague stumbled and then started to fall off a cliff. I quickly reached out my hand to grab her and tried to pull her back. Suddenly I was awake. This dream puzzled me for over a month until I finally understood it.

One day a colleague of mine who was deeply troubled by her illnesses suddenly asked me, "You look so healthy and happy all day long. What's your secret?" In fact, she was much younger than I am. I quickly realized that it was a good opportunity to "clarify the truth to her". "Because I practice Falun Gong," I said. Shocked, she responded, "What a long-kept secret!" "Actually I did recommend Falun Gong to you before. Maybe you forgot. Anyway, I don't think I needed to be too outspoken about this," I answered. Then I started to tell her what Falun Dafa is all about. "If you're interested, I'll be more than happy to give you a book," I added. She happily accepted the offer and finally started to practice Falun Gong as well.

This experience inspired me a lot. For one thing, my workplace is one of the propaganda organs of the communist regime. Besides, there were two colleagues who were keen on their personal gain and good at gossiping. The above mentioned lady was one of them. As a result, both were difficult to get along with. More importantly, my attachments and human notions prevented me from clarifying the truth to them after the Jiang Zemin regime launched the persecution.

From this experience, I realized that all sentient beings are here for the Fa. The reason that some of them do not behave well in daily life is simply that they are deeply lost in the maze of ordinary people, yet they still deserve to be saved. In fact, the dream I had before was a hint that Master gave me to clarify the truth to my colleague.

So, let us never let human notions or attachments interfere with saving sentient beings.