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Disintegrating the Persecution with Righteous Thoughts

February 09, 2006 |   By a practitioner from Zaoqian County, Hebei Province


Clarifying the Truth at a Traffic Accident Site

On September 30, 2004 while riding a bike, I was hit from the right side by a speeding car. I was tossed several meters by the impact.

While I was lying on the ground, I felt that the pain was intense, but immediately I realized that I am a Falun Dafa practitioner protected by Teacher, so at once I stood up. The driver was trying to escape responsibility when I told him, "Brother, I practice Falun Dafa. I do not blame you. You can go." I turned around and saw that the traffic police officer was calling for an ambulance. I told the traffic officer, "No need to make the call. I practice Falun Dafa. I am fine." There were two other traffic police officers running in my direction. I told them, "I practice Falun Dafa, and I'm fine. Thank you for coming." After that, I was ready to get back on my bike and leave, but the front ridge of the bike was broken. I had to push the bike and walk away.

People at the scene pointed at the driver and said, "Make him pay for a new bike." I said, "He did not hit me on purpose. Our Teacher has taught us to be good people. I will find someone to fix it." While I was pushing the bike, I started to clarify the truth, exposing the "Tiananmen self-immolation" and other things the CCP has done to try to frame Falun Gong. I told them the true situation of how Falun Dafa practitioners have been persecuted by the CCP and how Falun Dafa is spreading all over the world. People at the scene were shocked and looked at me with admiration. At once my pain completely disappeared.

The next morning, after I got up, my left leg was too painful to walk. I realized that this was the old forces trying to persecute me. I made up my mind to completely negate it and totally eliminate it. I walked to the front yard, enduring the severe pain, and circled the yard. With every step I took, I sent forth righteous thoughts. Soon my leg was no longer in pain. The third morning, the same thing happened again. I repeated the same method of circling the yard and sending righteous thoughts. After that, my leg never hurt again.