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Additional Persecution News from China - March 27, 2006 (16 Reports)

April 22, 2006 |  


  1. [Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province] Police Take a Falun Gong Practitioner, Blinded from Beatings, to Harbin City from Tianjin City
  2. [Tangshan City, Hebei Province] Missing: Two Practitioners Previously Held at the Qian'an Brainwashing Center
  3. [Muleng City, Heilongjiang Province] Practitioners Wu Guoli, Zhou Zhirong and Ma Shufen Arrested
  4. [Weifang City, Shandong Province] Practitioner Wang Ruide Arrested
  5. [Zhongxiang City, Hubei Province] Practitioner Ma Yuan Arrested
  6. [Xiong County, Hebei Province] Female Practitioner from Hanzhuang Village Arrested
  7. [Sujiatun, Liaoning Province]The Foundation of Sujiatun Thrombosis Hospital is Two Floors Deep
  8. [Heilongjiang Province] A Patient in Need of a Kidney Transplant is Told Kidneys Are Available in Shenyang City
  9. [Yueyang City, Hunan Province] Practitioner Cai Guijiao, in Her 60s, Sent to a Forced Labor Camp
  10. [Weifang, Shandong Province] Practitioners in Changle County: Please Pay Attention to Security
  11. [Quanzhou City, Fujian Province] Practitioner Ms. Xue Chaohui Sentenced to Three Years of Forced Labor
  12. [Jishou City, Hunan Province] A Practitioner Arrested for Distributing Truth-clarifying Materials
  13. [Wunumuqi City, Xinjiang Autonomous Region] Policeman Yang Tao, from Xinshi District, Lawless Persecutor
  14. [Yueyang City, Hunan Province] Acts of Lawless Personnel in Liangxinbao Village, Junshan District
  15. [Changchun City, Jilin Province] Phone Numbers of Some Personnel in the Network Monitoring Department
  16. [Shanghai] Police Try to Hold Court Proceedings for Practitioner Mr. Pan Jijun for the Second Time
  17. [Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province] Police Take a Falun Gong Practitioner, Blinded from Beatings, to Harbin City from Tianjin City

On March 15, 2006, two policemen escorted a male Falun Dafa practitioner in the 14th carriage on a train from Tianjin City to Jiamusi City. The practitioner is in his 60s. He is blind in both eyes. One eye was practically swollen shut, while the other was sunken into the socket. The whole side of his face was deformed, obviously due to beatings. The group got on the train in Tianjin City and got off in Harbin City.

1. [Tangshan City, Hebei Province] Missing: Two Practitioners Previously Held at the Qian'an Brainwashing Center

Three practitioners were known to be held at the Qian'an Brainwashing Center in Tangshan City. It's said recently that two of them went missing. A senior in her 60s was on hunger strike for over 50 days.

The brainwashing center is located on the 3rd and 4th floors of the city "Seed Company." Yang Yulin, head of the brainwashing center, requested higher authorities to transfer him there so that he could win a promotion and a raise through persecuting Falun Gong.

Telephone number of the brainwashing center: 86-315-7696865
Telephone number of the Seed Company: 86-315-7612668

2. [Muleng City, Heilongjiang Province] Practitioners Wu Guoli, Zhou Zhirong and Ma Shufen Arrested

On February 12, 2006, agents from the Xiachengzi Police Station and the Muleng City Police Department used a master key to enter practitioner Mr. Wu Guoli's home. They ransacked his place and illegally arrested Wu Guoli. They later returned to confiscate a musical instrument bought by the family from abroad, worth a thousand yuan. Wu's family members asked many times and eventually got the musical instrument back by paying a bribe to the officials.

On February 16, 2006, agents from the Xiachengzi Police Station, and the Muleng City Police Department, used a master key to enter practitioner Ms. Zhou Zhirong's home and turned the place upside down. Practitioner Ms. Ma Shufen was at Zhou Zhirong's home at the time. The police arrested Zhou Zhirong, Ma Shufen and Zhou's husband. The police also confiscated 3,000 yuan from underneath the bed. Zhou Zhirong's husband was later released. Zhou's husband called Zhou Xinsheng, leader of the National Security Team, and the Muleng City Police Department, asking about his wife and the 3,000 yuan. Zhou Xinsheng threatened to take him away as well. Right now, Zhou's husband has no money to grow his field, and feeding the family has become difficult.

Right now, practitioners Mr. Wu Guoli, Ms. Zhou Zhirong and Ms. Ma Shufen are being held at the Muleng City Detention Center.

Telephone number for Zhou Xinsheng, head of the National Security Team, Muleng City Police Department: 86-13054332788 (Cell)

3. [Weifang City, Shandong Province] Practitioner Wang Ruide Arrested

During the evening of March 24, 2006, practitioner Wang Ruide from Bozhuang Village, Mucun Town, Fangzi District, was arrested on his way home from selling bricks. It's said he was reported to police while clarifying the truth to people at the Zhuli Market.

4. [Zhongxiang City, Hubei Province] Practitioner Ma Yuan Arrested

At 8:00 p.m. on March 14, 2006, over a dozen officers from Zhongxiang City's National Security Team and Yingzhong Police Station in Hubei Province, arrested practitioner Mr. Ma Yuan before he could get dressed. Ma Yuan's family went to the Yingzhong Police Station to request his release. The police said they must take their case to the National Security Team, which was in charge of Ma's case. The family then went to the city police department; however, Li Jun, the National Security Team chief, neither told the family where Ma Yuan was held, nor did he let the family see him.

Officers Xiang Xingcheng and An Ning from the National Security Team, He Zhen, deputy secretary of Zhongguoyuan Community Communist Party, and several community policemen ransacked Ma's home. They confiscated three Falun Gong exercise tapes, two copies of Zhuan Falun, and a copy of "Hongyin" (Volume II).

The next day, Xiang Xingcheng, An Ning and Liu Congzheng, from the National Security Team, and a computer expert, went to Ma Yuan's home again and confiscated a computer, color jet printer, monitor, key board, color inkjet card printer, some printing paper and three tapes.

Related phone numbers: (Country code: 86; Area code: 724)

Chief of the Police Department: 4231010, 4223810

Yingzhong Police Station: 4262682

Political and Judiciary Committee: 4222664

5. [Xiong County, Hebei Province] Female Practitioner from Hanzhuang Village Arrested

On March 24, 2006, in Hanzhuang Village, two groups of villagers were running elections for the position of village administrator when violence happened. In order to avenge the other side, one group reported the sister of a person in the other group, (who was a Falun Gong practitioner), to the authorities. Thus, personnel from Xiong County's 610 Office and Police Department arrested her.

(Dial both country code and area code before regular phone numbers, Please do not dial area code before cellular phone numbers, country code: 86; area code: 312)

610 Office: 5561610

Office of the Head: 5561616

Head of 610 Office, Li Chengqun: 13315222838, 5862358

Deputy Chief, Police Department, Cui Qihua: 1393169808, 5865533

Domestic Security Team chief, Su Shiliang: 13831284666

6. [Sujiatun, Liaoning Province]The Foundation of Sujiatun Thrombosis Hospital is Two Floors Deep

The building behind the Sujiatun Thrombosis Hospital (at southeast corner) has a very deep foundation, about two floors deep. After the foundation was laid, the construction crew was changed. Because nobody was allowed to go near the construction area, employees don't even know there are basements. They don't know of the construction of the boiler room. This information is for reference.

7. [Heilongjiang Province] A Patient in Need of a Kidney Transplant is Told Kidneys Are Available in Shenyang City

A woman from Suihua Farm, Heilongjiang Province has had kidney disease for years and needed to have a kidney transplant. One day in February 2006 her friend told her that there are kidneys available in Shenyang or Jilin City.

8. [Yueyang City, Hunan Province] Practitioner Cai Guijiao, in Her 60s, Sent to a Forced Labor Camp

During the afternoon of October 7, 2005, Shen Cheng led a group of policemen from Caisanghu Town's 610 Office and arrested practitioner Ms. Cai Guijiao, in her 60s, from Caisanghu Town, Junshan District, Yueyang City, Hunan Province when she was harvesting cotton. They sent her to Hubin Brainwashing Center. Because Cai Guijiao did not give up Falun Gong, a month later she was sent to the Baimalong Women's Forced Labor Camp.

Shen Cheng: 86-13787301771
Caisanghu Police Station: 86-730-8931110

9. [Weifang, Shandong Province] Practitioners in Changle County: Please Pay Attention to Security

It is known that authorities in the Changle County government, the 610 Office and the police department, recently escalated the persecution of practitioners. Anyone who arrests a practitioner is offered a reward of 1,000 yuan.

10. [Quanzhou City, Fujian Province] Practitioner Ms. Xue Chaohui Sentenced to Three Years of Forced Labor

In early 2005, practitioner Ms. Xue Zhaohui from Quanzhou City, Fujian Province was arrested and sentenced to three years of forced labor. She is presently being held in the Women's Forced Labor Camp in Fujian Province.

11. [Jishou City, Hunan Province] A Practitioner Arrested for Distributing Truth-clarifying Materials

A practitioner surnamed Huang, from Jishou City, Xiangxi Autonomous County, Hunan Province, was illegally arrested when distributing truth-clarifying materials.

12. [Wunumuqi City, Xinjiang Autonomous Region] Policeman Yang Tao, from Xinshi District, Lawless Persecutor

Yang Tao, the National Security Team chief from the Xinshi District Police Department in Wunumuqi City, Xinjiang AR, is also the head of the district 610 Office. Since June 2005 he persecuted almost all practitioners in the Xinshi District. He arrested, beat and tortured many practitioners and searched their houses.

Yang Tao: 86-13999262656 (Cell)

Fu Xiaolei, Xiao Du, officers in the Xinshi District Police Department 610 Office: 86-13609965482 (Cell)

13. [Yueyang City, Hunan Province] Acts of Lawless Personnel in Liangxinbao Village, Junshan District

On September 27, 2005, when practitioner Yang Peihua from Liangxinbao Village, Junshan District, Yueyang City was clarifying the truth in the village, Li Shuiliang reported her. Personnel from the district's 610 Office, including Dai Shangping, Li Qijun and Yang Yu colluded with policemen Fu Zu'ai, hatchet man Zhao Wenhua and Li Qiliang. They illegally arrested Ms. Yang Peihua and tortured her in Junshan District. They held her at Yueyang City's No.1 Detention Center for over one month and then transferred her to Zhuzhou City's Baimalong Forced Labor Camp for one year of forced labor.

Dai Shangping, head of the local 610 Office, has persecuted practitioners since 1999. He forced practitioners Fu Guangzu, Hu Zhonghua, Dai Maosheng, Li Xueqing and Dai Chunmei to write a guarantee statement with threats of withholding their pensions. Currently, a small farming field in front of elderly Fu Guangpu's house was confiscated, thus Fu could hardly make a living. Hu Zhonghua is leading a difficult life collecting recyclables.

Dai Shangping: 86-13574029363 (Cell)

14. [Changchun City, Jilin Province] Phone Numbers of Some Personnel in the Network Monitoring Department

minghui.ca reported on March 23, 2006, from China that a practitioner was arrested from an Internet café in Changchun City. The following are phone numbers of some personnel in the Network Monitoring Department.

(Dial both country code and area code before regular phone numbers, Please do not dial area code before cellular phone numbers, country code: 86; area code: 431)

Zhang Hongfeng, the section chief: 8908489, 13354308922
Li Shu'an: 8989449, 13944116566
Jiang Bin, the chief: 8989450, 13596407055
Cai Chundi: 8908489, 13514485352
Ji Huixiang: 8908489, 13943069515
Wang Yusheng: 8908489, 13944089028
Zhang Tianbing: 8908489, 13596483283
Li Heng: 8908489, 13943130239
Chang Fei: 8908489, 13514493492
Yuan Xiaofei: 8908489, 13514498609

15. [Shanghai] Police Try to Hold Court Proceedings for Practitioner Mr. Pan Jijun for the Second Time

Pan Jijun from Jiaozhou City, Shandong Province, graduated from Shanghai Medical University with a Master's degree. He was a doctor in the Pudong Eastern Hospital in Shanghai. Mr. Pan has been illegally held for more than eight months since he was arrested in July 2005. The trial for Pan Jijun was delayed again and again. In the afternoon of March 3, 2006, the Pudong District No.2 Court attempted to illegally try Pan Jijun, but failed because of practitioners' strong righteous thoughts. They plan to try to open a second court proceeding at the end of March 2006.

No.2 Room, the Pudong District Court: 86-21-38794518