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Canadians Condemn the CCP's Crimes against Falun Gong Practitioners (4)

April 24, 2006 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) Since the revelation of the CCP's atrocities at Sujiatun, the Canadian Falun Dafa Website (www.falundafa.ca website) has received many messages from Canadians condemning the CCP's atrocities. The following is a selection of some of their messages:



Please do something about these Chinese atrocities

Apr 14, 2006 14:16:21


Mr. Bailey, Vancouver, British Columbia

As our economic ties with China strengthen, how can we morally ignore the gross human rights atrocities being committed deep within this horrific regime? Many Canadians, including myself, are extremely leery of the Conservative government. Let's see Canadian politicians rally in defense of the Falun Gong followers by pressuring key members in the international community and standing up for what we know to be right. Turning yet another blind eye makes us equally responsible.

Apr 15, 2006 22:41:3


Mr. Turgeon, Ottawa, Ontario

China has always been adamant that other countries should not be allowed to meddle in its internal affairs. I believe however that the international community has a moral obligation to inquire about allegations of gross violations of human rights in China. Canada should not stand idle at a time when more and more reports are coming out about the existence of Nazi-like concentration camps in China. Canada is particularly well positioned to put pressure on China on those issues. Canada is blessed with the kinds of natural resources that China is lacking and that is needed to fuel its exploding economy. Canada should therefore use that leverage to hold the Chinese government accountable.

Apr 16, 2006 17:59:41


Dr. Zhu, Vancouver, British Columbia

Dear Prime Minister and MPs,

Please act immediately to stop CCP's harvesting human organ from living people!

The persecution of Falun Gong is the persecution of the human being - a greatest shame on everyone of the world who keep silent!

We must speak out and act to stop it! Otherwise, how can we be called human? How can Canada be a member of the civilized and democratic world?

Apr 17, 2006 2:31:31


Mr. Goisnard, Edmonton, Alberta

Looks pretty serious. Let's take it seriously.

Apr 17, 2006 10:4:4


Mr. Whang, St. Albert, Alberta

To whom this may concern:

Thank you for taking the time to read the petition. I believe acts of unacceptable atrocity are happening right now to the Falun Gong practitioners. I think the world has got to do something to stop this and to make a statement that we will not surrender to the method of fear that China is counting on to silence the critics.


Apr 17, 2006 22:25:25


Ms. Dong, Calgary, Alberta

There is a universal declaration of human rights. Let us enforce it.

Apr 18, 2006 16:2:33


Mr. Crozier, Port McNicoll, Ontario

Worse than the Nazis...

This is the China the West is helping to create, a nightmare country which we are motivated to support because of our greed.

Apr 18, 2006 16:25:53


Ms. Kowerchuk, Edmonton, Alberta

In a free country where we have the ability to stop a genocide - we must. Please help.

Apr 18, 2006 22:56:44


Ms. Chen, Toronto, Ontario

You can't let this go on. Don't you remember the holocaust? We know better now, so why is this happening?

Apr 19, 2006 19:51:20


Ms. Du, Toronto, Ontario

This is sick and wrong.

Apr 19, 2006 19:58:35


Mr. Miller, Richmond Hill, Ontario

I support your petition & your fight to save these Falun Gong members. Any injustice such as this, anywhere in our world must be stopped.

Yours in a united stand,

Apr 20, 2006 21:31:5


Ms. Miller, Richmond Hill, Ontario


My name is Alexandra Miller & I am 11 years old. I am supporting your petition because I know my Dad stands up for justice, & I don't think that just because I am young that my voice should not be heard too. I believe in justice too.

Good luck,

Apr 20, 2006 21:44:7


Mr. Tiessen, Edmonton, Alberta

I just can't believe something like this could exist in this day and age!

It's almost unbelievable.

I hope something is being done.

Apr 21, 2006 0:30:27


Mr. Solijon, Toronto, Ontario

Please do something to stop this kind of torture.

Apr 21, 2006 11:37:26


Mr. Fashion, Toronto, Ontario

Thank goodness I finally found a place to sign the petition against this. I have been hearing about this horrific situation for quite a while now and am disgusted that our current government has refused to even address these atrocities, let alone not having instituted economic sanctions against China because of there current crimes against humanity. The situation is deplorable across the board. If there are protests being organized or anything else I may be able to contribute to this most worthy of causes, please do not hesitate to contact me in this regard. Thank you in advance and continue on with your excellent work in this capacity. Apr 21, 2006 13:25:26
