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Taiwan: Practitioners Parade in Downtown Changhua City to Call for Attention to the CCP's Atrocities in Forced Labor Camps (Photos)

April 24, 2006 |   By Falun Gong practitioner in Taiwan

(Clearwisdom.net) On April 15-16, 2006, together with nine other countries in the Asian-Pacific region, practitioners in Taiwan held a 24-hour simultaneous hunger strike to protest the CCP's atrocities in forced labor camps. At 10:00a.m. on April 16, 2006, after the hunger strike activities were over, Falun Gong practitioners held a press conference in Changhua County Government Square and held a parade in downtown Changhua.

The Taiwan Falun Dafa Association called upon the head of the CCP Hu Jintao to open up all forced labor camps and prisons where Falun Gong practitioners have been locked up for international investigation. It also called upon President Bush to pay attention to the CCP's atrocities of harvesting and selling organs of living Falun Gong practitioners in forced labor camps.

A press conference held in Changhua County Government Square

Legislative member Wei Minggu shows support for Falun Gong practitioners' anti-persecution efforts

Former Pingdong District chief of staff Chen Chang-hui expressed that the CCP covered up the epidemics of SARS and bird flu, and as a result, the epidemics were spread and the whole world suffered. After the revelation of the living organ harvesting in the CCP's forced labor camps, the CCP remained silent for three weeks. During that time it intended to destroy the evidence and relocate the Falun Gong practitioners detained there. What the CCP is afraid of the most now is to be investigated.

Representative of the Taiwan Association for Rescuing Persecuted Falun Gong Hou Nian-Zu expressed that in the past seven years, the CCP has carried out the most brutal persecution campaign against these innocent cultivators. It has even carried out such merciless deeds of harvesting and selling organs from living Falun Gong practitioners. Therefore, only by letting all people have a thorough understanding of what the CCP is, can the persecution be stopped.

Press conference in Changhua County

Legislative member Wei Ming-gu expressed that the CCP is a dictatorship, and it controls the domestic media while influencing external media. Therefore, the media seldom reports on the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners. Under such circumstances, Falun Gong practitioners stand up courageously to peacefully resist this huge political power.

Mr. Lin, the owner of a photo studio, expressed that after looking at photos displayed on the cars in the parade, he was in deep grief. Anyone who has a human nature will share his feelings. He believed that if the whole world would stand up, the strength and power would be great.

Mr. Huang, a military policeman who assisted with traffic flow in Changhua City, took photos of the parade procession. He said that Falun Gong is remarkable, holding activities to help more people understand the situation. Chinese citizens are innocent, and the dictatorship must fall.

Young practitioners hold photos of practitioners who have died as a result of persecution

People stop to read truth clarification materials about the CCP's atrocities of live organ harvesting

Some people expressed that the CCP actually does not have human nature, so it can do such a horrible thing. Many people were surprised and asked "Is it true? It's terrible!" Some disagreed with going to the Mainland to do organ transplants and receive medical treatment.

After Representative of Changhua Lin Da-Jie read about the CCP's live organ harvesting, he shook his head and said it was horrible. He saw many people practice Falun Gong in Bagua Mountain, Parks and other places in Changhua City. They are very good. The CCP's persecution is unacceptable. He hoped that the persecution would be stopped immediately.

A Chinese traditional medicine doctor Mr. Yang and his daughter carefully read the truth clarification materials. Mr. Yang said that he had read the Nine Commentaries before and had learned about the CCP's evil nature. The CCP is useing its strong political power to control people's beliefs, and that's unacceptable.

A citizen listens attentively to a practitioner clarifying the truth

Ms. Wu, who works at the National Revenue Bureau, expressed that she has been very healthy after practicing Falun Gong. The CCP's persecution of Falun Gong has lasted nearly seven years. The methods it uses are more and more cruel and inhuman, and unacceptable to all kind people of conscience. Ms. Wu also participated in the 24-hour protest hunger strike. She hoped that everyone would write to President Bush to request Hu Jintao during their meeting to allow the international community to conduct independent investigations into all forced labor camps, prisons and hospitals throughout China. People can also make phone calls to forced labor camps to tell them that everyone in the world knows their evil deeds, and let us together stop the persecution.