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Facts of the Persecution in Weibei Prison, Shandong Province and Relevant Phone Numbers

May 10, 2006 |   By a practitioner from Mainland China

(Clearwisdom.net) Weibei Prison is located in a relatively remote area north of Weifang. It's very difficult for ordinary policemen and the general public to receive truth-clarifying materials. The majority of people do not know the truth about the death by persecution of Falun Dafa practitioner Li Guang.

A couple of years ago, there were some practitioners there who were able to distribute truth-clarifying materials. Later on, due to the severe persecution, three of those practitioners were sent to the labor camp, and two became homeless in order to avoid persecution. The policemen from the local police station, led by Fan Yongsheng, have often harassed the rest of the practitioners in their homes. As such, it is relatively difficult to clarify the truth in the local area.

After Li Guang was persecuted to death, Weibei Prison had most of the practitioners there transferred. The practitioners were in handcuffs and had shackles on their feet during the transfer. The policemen used a luxury prison bus that could hold about 50 people instead of using the Weibei Prison bus. They lied and said that they were going to transfer the practitioners to Tai'an prison. However, when the bus arrived at the Jinnan expressway they switched bus drivers. Nobody knows where the bus went.

In addition to that, Dafa practitioner Mrs. Zhuang Aiping is a family member of a worker in Weibei Prison. Her husband died many years ago. She lived with her two children with lots of difficulties. After July 20, 1999, she was ill-treated because she kept practicing Dafa and was forced to become homeless in order to avoid further persecution. On February 17 this year, Mrs. Zhuang was arrested when she was clarifying the truth in Weifang. She is currently detained in Kuiwen Detention Center in Weifang. The Kuiwen Court illegally tried her, and it is said that she will be sentenced to 4 years.

The main responsible people are:

Chen Jian: 86-536-7548201 (Office) the prison head of Weibei Prison

Wang Kuanzeng: 86-536-7548258 the vice-president of Weibei Prison

Zheng Minli: 86-536-7548205(Office) 86-536-7548232 (Office), the president of the principle deputy

Li Wuguang: 86-536-7548204 (Office) the vice president of Weibei Prison

No.5 Prison Division: 86-536-7548071 (Office)

The policemen and the workers in Weibei Prison:

Yu Xuefeng: 86-536-7548521 Her daughter Cai Shuizi works in the Senior Cadre Department in Weibei Prison. She is often involved in monitoring and limiting the practitioners' freedom. If one commits bad deeds, then one will implicate one's family as well: Yu Xuefeng's husband Cai Youai died of cancer last year and he was only a little over 50. Yu Xuefeng also got cancer this year.

Che Qiju: 86-536-7541201, he is the uncle of the president of

Weibei Prison, Chen Jian

Chen Xiaozhi: 86-536-7541969; his wife Cai Shuizi is involved in persecuting Dafa practitioners

Han Zunshi: 86-536-7548709; this person is first-rate at spreading false news

Wang Qixiang: 86-536-7541901; his wife Yan Jingjing is involved in persecuting Dafa practitioners.

Zong Chengfu: 86-536-7548488; this person works at the politics department, and is very actively involved in persecuting Dafa practitioners. He also brainstorms and spreads ideas on how to persecute practitioners.

April 17, 2006