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Cherish the Predestined Opportunity to Cultivate

May 02, 2006 |   By an older woman Falun Dafa disciple from Mainland China

(Clearwisdom.net) I began Fa practice in the winter of 1997. I managed to get through the past six years relying on Master's care and with a firm belief in Master and Dafa. I do not have heroic deeds to report, but I used Dafa as a standard to measure myself all the time and used the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance to guide my cultivation to be a good man and to improve myself.

Giving up human emotions

Since I began Fa study I have physically and mentally changed a great deal. My daughter also followed me and learned Falun Gong. She was quite diligent, recited Zhuan Falun four or five times, and also transcribed it once. All her illnesses disappeared, and her body and mind benefited enormously. On July 20, 1999, Jiang's group started to persecute Dafa disciples. Even though she was pregnant, she went to Beijing to petition for justice for Dafa. Police discovered her on her return when she handed out truth clarification materials. They arrested and took her to a local police station, detained her in a brainwashing center, and finally tortured her to death.

I immersed myself in serious Fa study. Fortified with Master's support and Dafa's power, I turned my grief over my daughter's death by torture into the driving force for disclosing the evil's persecution. But in daily life, when I saw other people's daughters returning to their parents' homes, I was automatically reminded of my own daughter. As the human emotions returned I became quite grieved. The feeling was like "Days wear on like years." But as I thought of it from a more profound standpoint I understood that the evil took her life away because she wanted to validate the Fa. Whatever happened, she would have reached Consummation. I should be proud of her. Comparing this to Dafa, I swiftly got rid of the sentiment.

My daughter's death left me with her 13-month-old child. I also have another grandson in my home. Once, because of a tiny matter, my son-in-law sent his child to kindergarten. That night Master hinted to me in my dream that I should raise the baby. He is Dafa disciple's child. I therefore determined to bring the baby up, teach him to study the Fa, and practice the exercises. During the ensuing four years we established an extremely strong relationship between grandparent and grandchild.

In the spring of 2005 a fellow practitioner told me that if I was really having difficulty raising the child by myself, the Dafa disciples could take care of him together and send him to study abroad. When I heard that I felt uneasy. It seemed like a weight on my mind. My status was not correct. After communicating with fellow practitioners I relaxed much more. But I still could not see through it. Some time later, when the other two practitioners again mentioned this issue, I felt like the weight had been removed from my mind and I was even less emotional. But my husband disagreed with sending the child abroad. He said, "Once my grandson leaves, what will I do? It would kill me.

Master said:

"If you are free from this sentimentality, nobody can affect you. An everyday person's mind will be unable to sway you. What takes over in its place is benevolence, which is something more noble."(Zhuan Falun)

After learning this section, I completely got rid of this emotion and felt relaxed and happy from the bottom of my heart. As I made a progress, my husband did not object to this possibility anymore. During the past several years' cultivation, I have trusted Master and the Fa. When I fell, I struggled back on my feet to follow Master until today.

Pay attention to sending forth righteous thoughts; eliminate the dark minions

I believe in Master and believe in Dafa so much. I know that each word Master has said must be right. When Master initially asked Dafa disciples to send forth righteous thoughts, I sincerely did it. Once one of my neighbor's children did not behave well toward Dafa. When he saw a Dafa poster pasted on a telephone pole, he would tear it off. He even wrote a bad word on the telephone poles to slander Dafa and Master. I told him, "Don't do that! What you did was not good for you." But no matter what I told him, he did not listen, so I kept on sending forth righteous thoughts to eliminate the evil factors which manipulated him. After sending forth righteous thoughts he never does that any more. This time I experienced the power of righteous thoughts.

After I lost my daughter, my husband watched me very closely. He was afraid that something bad would happen to me. Even when I sent forth righteous thoughts he would oppose me. After I shared this problem with other practitioners, we realized that we should use righteous thoughts to eliminate the evil behind him. When I sent forth righteous thoughts to him, as expected he did not interfere with me any more. Once again I witnessed the power of righteous thoughts. When I could not come to my senses right away when a problem emerged and when I realized that I had many attachments and was annoyed by them, I studied the Fa.

Master's poem "A Will That Ebbs Not" always encourages me and gives me power.

"Surpassing time and space,
Fa-rectification dashes forward
Massive is the challenge,
but your will is firm
Unbridled are the wicked,
yet you keep your bearings
Purging evil as if but whisking dust away

My disciples,
walk straight the path of Dafa
May your radiance grace the human world,
as you transcend the Three Realms
Disciples of Fa,
be diligent, with a will that ebbs not
The countless years of hardship were all for this time"

Let us encourage each other in our endeavors. The closer to the end, the more diligent we should be.