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A Chinese Embassy Employee Who Nodded and Smiled

May 07, 2006 |   By a German Falun Gong practitioner

(Clearwisdom.net) I go to the Berlin Chinese Embassy once a week to practice the Falun Gong exercises, send forth righteous thoughts, and protest against the persecution of Falun Gong by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). A few days ago I stood in front of the Chinese Embassy, practicing the exercises, while another practitioner was handing out flyers. As I was practicing, I suddenly opened my eyes and saw a Chinese woman crossing the road and walking toward me. She was less than ten meters away. When I opened my eyes, her gaze was directed to me. Naturally, I nodded and gave her a smile. She also nodded and smiled in return. It was as though we knew each other.

I did not think about the incident further. I closed my eyes and continued to do the exercises. After a while, for some reason, I opened my eyes again and saw her from behind. She was walking past me and there was a pouch in her hand. She was just a few meters away. Then she crossed the road and I saw her walk towards the Chinese Embassy. I wondered, "Was she going there to settle some business?" I saw her take a card out of her pouch and wave it in front of the security pass machine or maybe she inserted the card into the machine and took it out. The door opened and she went in.

As it turned out, she is an employee of the Chinese Embassy and that is why she recognized us. I even thought to myself, "When the employees peer out of their windows and see a particular practitioner protesting, they can probably tell which day of the week it is." That is because our group had agreed to take shifts and come on certain days. While we were very familiar to the employees of the Chinese Embassy, we have not seen many of the employees before.

Falun Gong practitioners do not have enemies. Thus, the employees inside the Chinese Embassy certainly are not our enemies. Our local group has persisted in standing in front of the Chinese Embassy to protest for the past few years. We do this not only to appeal for the end of the persecution against Falun Gong practitioners in China, but also for the sake of the fellow Chinese people in the Chinese Embassy. We hope that they will not be deceived by the CCP's lies. It was due to the dictatorship of the CCP that the employees of the Chinese Embassy were against Falun Gong practitioners. The Chinese Embassy refused to extend the passports of Chinese practitioners and refused to approve the visas of Western practitioners who wanted to go to China. Falun Gong practitioners came to the Chinese Embassy to protest and display banners. When there were major events in the persecution, we also held press conferences in front of the embassy.

In fact, if we removed the barrier of the "evil Chinese Communist Party" coming between us, I believe a lot of employees of the Embassy would stand on our side. There have already been examples of employees of the Chinese Embassy in Australia walking out of the building and coming over to support us.