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My Experiences in Calling Evildoers in China to Clarify the Truth about the Persecution Against Falun Gong Practitioners

June 16, 2006 |   By a Dafa Disciple in Taiwan

(Clearwisdom.net) Recently I have been pondering why the people that I have been clarifying the truth to are so wicked. Why do I have to read those bloody and violent persecution cases and then call the evil people involved to explain the facts to them? Can't I do something else, at least something that doesn't involve contact with those evil policemen everyday? I had a similar thought about a year ago. I wanted to do other things so that I would not need to have contact with the evildoers everyday. I would be in a more pleasant mood.

A practitioner told me that he had a dream: All the practitioners at their exercise site were looking for a smooth road. I also had a dream: A practitioner always did what other people didn't want to do and ate the meals that other people left behind. This practitioner continued to till the soil by himself on a poor farm. These two dreams gave me a great hint: First, if everybody wants to choose simple things to do, who would do the complicated things? Second, Master knows the disciples who persevere and are dedicated.

Before practicing Dafa, I knew that I had the ability to respond rapidly, that I could express myself well, and naturally despised evil. I didn't develop these characteristics during my cultivation. Maybe a foundation had been laid before I practiced Dafa, for the purpose of clarifying the truth about persecution cases over the telephone in the Fa-rectification. Perhaps I had a vow with Master that I would come to save these police officers who are being used by the Chinese Communist Party to persecute Falun Gong.

The day before yesterday, I spoke about the truth of the persecution with a leader of the National Security Team. I found his contact information from a list of evildoers and knew that he had been following the Jiang regime’s orders to persecute Falun Gong since 1999. This leader's head was full of evil thoughts. I talked with him on subjects ranging from the evil nature of the CCP to the principle that good and evil will reap their own rewards. Finally, I suggested to him that he quit the CCP, and I sang some popular songs about quitting the CCP. I was exhausted. There is a sentence that says, "When you are very sincere, the stone will be broken." The leader's attitude changed. He kindly asked me if I was thirsty. I told him that my daughter had brought a plate of watermelon for me. He said he would invite me to his home to treat me to watermelon. I said, "If you stop persecuting Falun Gong and quit the CCP, we could have a chance to meet." Although he didn't express his attitude over the phone, I felt that many of the evil thoughts in his mind were eliminated after I clarified the truth.

I know that I have enough righteous thoughts, wisdom, and experience to eliminate the evil police officers' wicked thoughts. But I still get attached to the question of why I have to clarify the truth to those people because I practice Falun Gong. Every day, the first thing I do after I come home from work is to read the persecution cases. I have to look at the worst examples of human character. When I go to tourist sites to tell people the facts, I always meet the ringleaders and other evil people. Other practitioners are quiet and do not say anything. I have to go to tell them the facts. If I meet with tribulations and my heart is moved, I don't feel good, so I always write down my thoughts. This has also served to clear my mind and eliminate any interference.

Calling the evildoers is eliminating the evil. It is not only saving those people who are doing the evil deeds, but also saving more sentient beings. Furthermore, it is rescuing Dafa disciples who are being persecuted and saving their families, too. I'd like to tell the practitioners in Mainland China, "The reason that I keep calling the evildoers and clarifying the truth to them is that I cannot bear to see you harmed. When I see that you still have righteous thoughts to do the right thing even in such a high-pressure environment and persecution, what is in my heart is only blessings for you."

The above is my recent experience. I feel relaxed after having finished this. When I finished writing half of it, it was 6 o'clock, the time to send forth righteous thoughts, so I stopped writing to send forth righteous thoughts. At that time, I felt the energy in my palm was very strong. In my understanding, it was Master encouraging me to continually strive forward diligently! I hope I will strive forward vigorously even in the relaxed environment and live up to Master’s salvation.

Please correct me if something I have shared is not right.