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Solemn Statements from Dafa Practitioners

June 30, 2006 |  



Solemn Statement

In May 2001, I went to Tiananmen Square to validate the Fa with other practitioners. As a result, I was sentenced to five years of imprisonment. In August 2003, I was sent to a prison. As soon as I got in there, they began to brainwash me. I had a very strong attachment of fear. I was afraid of being beaten and tortured to death. Therefore, I gave in to the evil and signed the pledge they prepared for me. On May 9, 2006, I was released. After returning home, I resumed Fa study. Through several days of Fa study, I realized that I had fallen behind the Fa-rectification process since I wasn’t able to study the Fa while in detention. I couldn’t understand the Fa from the perspective of the Fa and I held onto my attachments. Looking back, I realized that I came to learn the Fa for healing and fitness. Later I kept on practicing because I wanted Teacher's protection. I found I had a big problem, which was a lack of confidence in my cultivation. As a matter of fact, my lack of confidence was a manifestation of being not determined in cultivation. I hereby solemnly declare null and void everything I have said, done and signed that does not conform to the Fa. I will completely negate the arrangements of the old forces and I will walk the path Teacher arranges for me. I will do the three things well and make up for the loss I brought to Dafa.

Liang Ying

May 25, 2006



Solemn Statement

I began my cultivation in 1997. After the persecution started in 1999, I was forced to go through brainwashing. Due to my fear, I wrote a guarantee promising not to practice Falun Gong anymore, and I also said something I should never have said on TV. In November 1999, I went to Tiananmen to appeal for justice for Falun Gong. I was taken back by my local police officers. Under pressure, I said something bad to Teacher. I was detained for 15 days. On the 14th day of my detention, I again wrote a guarantee letter. In November 2000, some fellow practitioners were arrested. Under coercion, I provided some information about these practitioners to the authorities. At the end of 2000, I literally stopped cultivation due to my fear and the death of my daughter. In the following 4 years, fellow practitioners had tried many times to encourage me to resume cultivation, but I was still on and off with cultivation. However, compassionate Teacher kept showing the power of Dafa to me and giving me opportunities. At the end of 2004, some fellow practitioners came to my home to study the Fa with me on a regular basis. In the beginning of 2005, I left China. Once abroad, with the help of fellow practitioners, I came back to cultivation. After studying Teacher’s new articles, I realized that only by acknowledging my wrongdoings can I truly return to cultivation. Therefore, I hereby solemnly declare that everything I did and said, that were wrong, as null and void. I will keep up with the Fa-rectification process and do the three things well. I will make up for the loss I brought to Dafa.

Ran Taiqi

May 27, 2006
