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Washington DC: Practitioners Advise Singapore Government Not to Help a Tyrant Do Evil (Photos)

July 31, 2006 |   By Clearwisdom.net correspondent Li Jingfei

(Clearwisdom.net) After the incident where the Singapore government charged nine Falun Gong practitioners with "assembly without permit" on July 14, 2006, Falun Gong practitioners in Washington DC have called on the Singapore government not to assist the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) in persecuting Falun Gong, and immediately drop the charges. At noon on July 27, the practitioners held a press conference in front of the Singapore Embassy in Washington DC and advised the Singapore rulers again not to assist the CCP in committing evil acts.

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Practitioners hold press conference in front of Singapore Embassy in Washington DC and advise the Singapore rulers again not to assist CCP in committing evil acts

Practitioner Mr. Li said, "Ten years ago, in 1996, Falun Gong was registered as a legal organization in Singapore. Before the persecution began on July 20, 1999, Falun Gong spread widely in Singapore and the government did not find fault with practitioners."

Since Jiang’s faction began persecuting Falun Gong in July 1999, Falun Gong practitioners in Singapore have faced a deteriorating environment that seemed to follow the CCP’s control. Soon, Singapore looked like a colony of the CCP and Singapore’s laws seemed to become subordinate to the CCP. Not only were practitioners’ group practice and exercise introduction activities interfered with and limited, the media spread CCP lies, and there were serious incidents of police arresting and charging practitioners with so called "assembly without permit," "interference with public order," etc.

Practitioner Perlman said that Singapore is well known for its strict laws, but suppressing righteousness cannot be excused.

Practitioner Ms. Min Ge said in her speech, "The Singapore government should notice that the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party has caused waves of renouncing the CCP after the commentaries were published in late 2004. So far more than twelve million people have renounced the CCP by making withdrawal announcements online. And the number is increasing by 30,000 people each day. More and more Chinese people recognize the CCP’s evil nature and renounce the CCP, indicating that the CCP is going to collapse soon."

The CCP will definitely collapse. The Singapore government should not run against the historical trend and become an accomplice of the CCP.