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Remembering a Few Incidents from an Early Appeal in Beijing

July 06, 2006 |   By Dafa practitioner from Sichuan Province


Location 1: In the Police Car at Beijing's Tiananmen Square

After Falun Gong was banned by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) on July 20, 1999, in order to clarify the truth to the government and to restore Master Li's and Falun Gong's reputation, I went to Beijing to protest. When I went to Tiananmen Square to appeal, a police car arrived, its windows covered with curtains. Six practitioners were already inside. Four were senior practitioners and two were young girls about 17 or 18 years old.

Later, a young policeman arrived. He forced an attractive young girl onto a seat, and in front of everyone in the car, he molested her. When the girl tried to fend him off, the officer slapped her face. Some of the practitioners condemned the officer's vile behavior and stopped him. The police car quickly arrived at the West Side Branch of Beijing Police Station.

Hundreds of practitioners had been taken to the backyard of the Beijing's Western Side Branch Station. The backyard was full of practitioners, some older and some mere children. These practitioners sat under the baking sun and constantly recited Master Li's poems from Hong Yin. In the afternoon, police cars came and took us to different detention centers.

Location 2: Miyun County Detention Center in Beijing

Along with several other practitioners, I was sent to Miyun County Detention Center. At first, we were all marked with numbers on our bodies because no one would tell the police his or her name and address. They took our pictures and then we were taken away, one by one, to what seemed like an old office building. While passing by a hallway, I saw a door that was half open and inside the room a policeman was sitting on a chair. A lady in her 30s was sitting on the floor with her hands handcuffed behind her back. Right by her side, a five-year-old girl was sitting on her knees on the floor, and both of her little hands were handcuffed behind her back. The police even persecuted such a young child!

I was taken to a room and they interrogated me. They asked for my name and work unit. I did not answer them. They then used electric batons on my head, my face, and my neck, over and over again. When one electric baton ran out of power, they changed to a bigger one with higher power. They also kicked my head with their hard leather shoes. Later, they detained me in a cell. They took away all my personal belongings, even my belt.

The cell was filled with people. I found out that they were all practitioners. Some of them had just arrived and others had been there for several days. Some had even been detained there for months. We all refused to tell the police our names and addresses.

In the morning, everyone got up and did the exercises and recited the Fa. After breakfast, people constantly came from outside to investigate who was in the cells, looking for people they knew. Eventually I was recognized by someone from my work unit and was then taken away.

After the harvesting of organs from living Falun Gong practitioners in the CCP's concentration camps was exposed, I became very worried about those practitioners who had been detained for a long time. They did not tell their names and no one from their work units came to identify them and take them away. Where are you, my fellow practitioners?

June 9, 2006