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Taiwan: Children Study the Fa and Improve Xinxing at Minghui Summer Camp (Photos)

August 12, 2006 |   By a Taiwanese Falun Gong Practitioner

(Clearwisdom.net) Three sessions of a five-day summer camp were held at Shijih Minghui School in Taipei from July 11 to July 28. Based on their experience with the winter camp, the Minghui School teachers made adjustments to the curriculum and time. The camp concluded perfectly with the support of many people.

Children do the Falun Gong exercises and send forth righteous thoughts

I was involved in the third session. Children ranging from first graders to freshmen in middle school introduced themselves on the first day. The plan was to finish reading Zhuan Falun within five days. We started with "On Buddha Law" on the first morning. I was touched to see how seriously the children read the Fa. Xing-huan is in first grade. He doesn't know all the words, but he concentrated hard and pointed at each word as he read. His concentration was absolutely admirable!

The first lunch took us quite some time and thought. The kids cover a wide range in age and size. Some didn't like stir-fried rice. Some preferred noodles. Some didn't like salad. Some thought the portions were too much or too little. After the fellow practitioners helping in the kitchen served lunch, I spent a little time redistributing the food so that everyone would have enough to eat and be able to finish it. It would have been impossible to force them all to finish the same amount of food.

We shared our thoughts after reading each half of a lecture and had activities after finishing each lecture. We played word relay one day. The game was a test of our xinxing. When the winners and losers had attachments, the game was out of control. It was a great opportunity to apply the principles that Master taught us. The children all developed a clear understanding and passed the test quickly. On the second day, two kids had fever. They knew they were getting rid of karma and continued with Fa-reading and exercises.

On the third day, we really got to know each other. When the kids couldn't concentrate on reading, we stopped to do 3 to 5 minutes of meditation. We adults gently reminded them and acted as examples. It worked very well. We told the kids what Master told his students in Jinan: "The more you fan yourself, the hotter you feel." Though we didn't turn on the air conditioner in the morning, nobody felt hot.

On the fourth day, Yu-rong cried and told me his stomach hurt badly. I told him that enduring hardship is dissolving karma, and asked him to take a nap. His stomach pain was gone in the afternoon. When his stomach hurt again on the next day, he didn't cry. He was already clear about the Fa.

We told the kids on the first day that this would be a different summer camp. They would endure some hardship. On the fifth day, we asked them if they would come again if there was another camp. Most of them raised their hands without hesitation. They are great kids!

To our happiness, we finished reading the whole book of Zhuan Falun within five days in addition to passing xinxing tests. We also validated the Fa in our everyday life and improved our xinxing.