(Clearwisdom.net) On July 26, 2006, Mr. Jonathan Weinnapfel, Mayor of the City of Evansville proclaimed July 26, 2006, as "Falun Dafa Day" in the City of Evansville, Indiana.
City of Evansville, Indiana
Whereas, Falun Dafa is an ancient Chinese exercise to improve the body, mind, and spirit consisting of exercise, meditation and teachings that are rooted in the Chinese culture; and
Whereas, Falun Dafa advocates truthfulness, compassion and tolerance; and
Whereas, Falun Dafa, publicly introduced in 1992, is now practiced by more than 100 million people in more than 60 countries; and
Whereas, Falun Dafa practitioners in Indiana note stress reduction, health improvement and spiritual growth; and
Whereas, Numerous practitioners of Falun Dafa are persecuted in China for their teachings; and
Whereas, Evansville residents participate in the global effort in peacefully appealing for freedom and human rights for those in need;
Therefore, be it resolved that I, Jonathan Weinzapfel, Mayor of the City of Evansville, do hereby proclaim July 26, 2006, as
Falun Dafa Day
in the City of Evansville, Indiana.
In witness whereof, I have hereunto subscribed my hand and caused the great seal of the City of Evansville to be affixed this 26th day of July in the year of our lord two thousand and six.
Jonathan Weinzafel