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Cultivate Falun Dafa Steadfastly, Welcome a Good Future

September 05, 2006 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner from China

(Clearwisdom.net) I started to practice Falun Dafa only recently. Looking back, it took a long time of wondering for me to became a true, steadfast Falun Dafa practitioner.

As early as 1995, some of my colleagues and relatives were cultivating Falun Dafa, but for many reasons, I kept Dafa at arm's length. I once read Zhuan Falun with them. At that time, there was a shortage of copies of the book, so I wrote out the Fa for them by hand. I also did the exercises and listened to the tapes of Master teaching the Fa in Guangzhou and Dalian with them. I did those things off and on and was not consistent. Sometimes when I read Zhuan Falun, I wanted to cultivate. But then I considered that I was even worse than many good ordinary people in some respects, so I wondered if Dafa would even accept me. My mind lingered on it all the time, and I missed a good opportunity to start cultivation.

It continued like this until July 20, 1999, when the CCP started to persecute Falun Gong. Many Dafa disciples went to Beijing to clarify the truth and uphold the dignity of Dafa. Some of my relatives and colleagues went to Tiananmen Square in Beijing to appeal. As the persecution continued, Dafa disciples were aggressively arrested inside China. Just for wanting to cultivate "Truthfulness, Compassion,Tolerance" and to be good people, the red terror hounded them. But how could some buffoons of the CCP affect our great and sacred Master?

I saw Dafa disciples spread Master's teachings to every corner of the country, but because of the blockage and destruction by the CCP, some steadfast disciples that made Dafa truth-clarification materials were persecuted, which affected the upgrading of Dafa disciples as a whole. It also affected the progress of Fa-rectification in the world.

At the beginning of 2001, I bought some computers, printers and scanners. I made Dafa truth-clarification materials with my relatives and friends and began to spread them. We put Master's teachings and truth-clarification materials into the hands of our fellow practitioners, and have continued to this day.

By communicating with fellow practitioners and with their help, I finally got rid of many worries that I had, and I resolutely stepped onto the road of Fa--rectification cultivation with them.

Looking back, it is just as Master told us in the Third Talk in Zhuan Falun:

"True cultivation depends completely on cultivating your mind, so as long as you’re able to cultivate, and as long as you can keep on cultivating solidly and steadfastly, we’ll guide you as a disciple. Treating you any other way wouldn’t work. But some people can’t seem to really take themselves to be cultivators and keep on cultivating. It’s just not doable for some people. But a lot of people will really keep up their cultivation. And as long as you keep on cultivating we’ll guide you as a disciple."

I will strengthen my belief by learning Dafa well and doing the three things carefully. On the way back to our true homeland, I will lay down any incorrect thoughts, look at myself seriously according to "Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance," cultivate Dafa steadfastly, and welcome a bright future.

This is only a little experience of mine, and if there is anything inappropriate, please feel free to point it out.