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Non-Practitioners Who Have Awakened to the Truth

January 10, 2007 |  


Solemn Statement

We grew up under the heel of the Party culture, and we believed the lies of the evil Communist Party as if they were true. My mother's illnesses all disappeared after she began practicing Falun Gong. To validate Dafa, in April 2000 she went to Beijing to appeal for justice for Falun Gong. However she was illegally detained by the local police and brought home. Fearing the Party's "implication law" [whereby if one person violates the law, all family members and friends are punished] our whole family said some things that were disrespectful to Master and Dafa. At the same time we also wrote a guarantee statement for my mother. After reading the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party, we recognized the real nature of the evil party. Everyone in our whole family has quit the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its affiliated organizations. Today we solemnly declare: "Any words we said or wrote that were disrespectful to Dafa and Master are completely void. We believe Falun Dafa is good, and we fully support Dafa. We will make up for our past mistakes."

Wu Shangwu, Wu Hui, Feng Yujing, Wu Jiang, Wu Danyan, and Yuan Fenghua on December 1, 2006.


Solemn Statement

Everything I said before that was disrespectful or damaging to Dafa and Master is totally void. I truly and sincerely exclaim, "Falun Dafa is good! Falun Dafa is great!" My wife is already heading towards a very old age. When she was younger she had many illnesses and suffered extreme distress. She had a bad temper and was always irritable. Just as we were about to be divorced, she walked into Falun Dafa cultivation. As she studied the Fa and practiced the exercises, her temper and physical condition gradually improved. She is now very calm and tolerant. She considers others first everywhere she goes. She has changed into a very worthy wife and a good mother. Her body is illness free. When she is working she doesn't feel tired. Her skin is tender like a young person's. Nowadays I truly love my wife very much. In her I witnessed the magic and supernormal power of Falun Dafa. Here I thank Falun Dafa and Master for the merciful salvation of my whole family. People who know that my wife practices Falun Dafa all know that Falun Dafa is good.

Chi Mingli on November 4, 2006


Solemn Statement

My father was detained because he practiced Falun Dafa. My mother was forced to become homeless and leave the house [to avoid arrest]. Influenced by the propaganda and threats of the evil Party, I couldn't understand why my parents were so resolute in practicing Falun Dafa. Momentarily I had bad thoughts against Dafa and Master, and I tore up a copy of Hong Yin. As a result of the numerous times my parents clarified the truth to me, and having read the truth-clarifying materials they gave me, I now finally realize that Falun Dafa is good. I truly regret all the big mistakes I have made. I solemnly apologize to Dafa and Teacher Li. Furthermore, I solemnly declare: The things I wrongfully said and did against Dafa are completely void. I firmly believe in Dafa without a doubt. I fully support Falun Dafa, and will do what I can to make up for my mistakes.

Wei Peisheng on December 6, 2006
