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My Understanding of "Understanding the Fa from Within the Fa"

January 15, 2007 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) Some time ago, I tried to clarify the truth to some officials of the 610 Office. Surprisingly, one of them said to me, "I consider the two to be separate issues. Dafa is Dafa, and you are you." Pondering over the comment quietly, I discovered that for the past ten years, I still hadn't fully understood the meaning of "Understanding the Fa from within the Fa."

The following is my understanding. The analogy may not necessarily be correct.

If we take the human body as Dafa, then every practitioner is a part of this body. So, when a practitioner, who genuinely treats himself as a part of Dafa, carries out the three things stipulated by Master, the power delivered from the body comes from Dafa itself, and the amount of power delivered also corresponds to the level of the practitioner, as "Cultivation depends on one’s own efforts, while the transformation of gong is done by one’s master." ("Lecture One," Zhuan Falun) Since Dafa is impeccably righteous and has infinite power, it has a solution to everything.

Take the persecution of Falun Gong as an example. If one genuinely treats oneself as part of the Dafa body, when the evil persecutes a practitioner, it actually persecutes Dafa. Are there any living beings in this universe who would dare to put Dafa, the factor behind the creation of everything, to the test? Looking at it from this perspective, who would dare to touch you? I remember a fellow practitioner once said to an officer, "You dare do harm to Dafa?" The man immediately released him. If we think about it, hadn't this practitioner integrated himself into Dafa and acted from within the Fa? The infinite power of Buddha Fa was manifested in this practitioner.

Coming to this point in my cultivation, I notice that often in the past, I put myself first when clarifying the truth – I was actually validating myself, not the Fa. For example, I often told myself, "I must speak the truth even if I am persecuted;" "I must tell the truth when I appeal;" "Even if I don't go to work, I will tell the truth;" "I have to save sentient beings," etc. Hence, most of the time, I wanted the world to know about how unfairly Falun Gong had been treated since being banned. The anxiety that built up from within made me argue with people and forget my righteous thoughts. I was validating myself and not Dafa. Of course, the power of the Fa was not there and the result was not good either.

Now, I will often say this first when clarifying the truth: "Dafa teaches us to be good by following the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance. Our Master teaches us to consider others first in everything we do. For your good, I'll tell you about the truth of the persecution..." Thus, in subsequent truth-clarification work, I have been much calmer, and in doing so, I have also put validating the Fa as the priority.

The above is my personal understanding.