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Official Launch of the Turkish Clear Harmony Website

January 03, 2007 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) On January 1, 2007, the Turkish Clear Harmony website was officially launched at http://tr.clearharmony.net.

The Turkish Clear Harmony website is one of the sixteen language-versions of the European Falun Dafa website, which is published voluntarily by Falun Gong practitioners. Its aim is to reveal the facts about Falun Gong, give readers first hand information about the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China, display the voices of support for Falun Gong and let readers know the efforts made by Falun Gong practitioners to stop this persecution.

The website provides readers with the opportunity to get to know Falun Gong practitioners through their words, thoughts and actions. We hope this website can help the Turkish people get a clearer and broader view on what Falun Gong is, as well as the truth behind the ongoing persecution in China.

Welcome to the Turkish Clear Harmony website: http://tr.clearharmony.net

Source: http://clearharmony.net/articles/200701/37272.html