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Discussion with Practitioners Who Have Been Persecuted

October 09, 2007 |   By a practitioner from China

(Clearwisdom.net) After reading the reports on "Minghui Weekly" about fellow practitioners who have been arrested, sentenced to prisons, sent to forced labor camps, or persecuted, I felt great pain in my heart. But I also felt that as cultivators, we have tests that we must pass during our cultivation. Clarifying the truth about Falun Dafa to the public is one of the three things that Teacher has asked of us.

A kind person should receive respect and honor from others. A group of people who are kind should receive recognition and praise from society and government. Under the rule of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) however, kind people become victims of persecution. Is this right? No, absolutely not. What is even worse is that people silently accept this. Even some practitioners accept this in silence. They may say, "I never accept those things," but when the CCP regime persecutes Falun Dafa practitioners, don't some practitioners avoid clarifying the facts by choosing alternatives like becoming homeless or paying cash fines? There is a proverb among the common people of China, "If one has done nothing wrong, he will not fear a ghost knocking on his door at midnight" How have we done? Have we done anything wrong?

It is also wrong when evil acts are not exposed when practitioners are persecuted. When persecuted a second time, some practitioners stop at the level of personal cultivation by only looking inside to find the reasons for their persecution. When we only examine our improper xinxing, we are forgetting that we are practitioners during the Fa-rectification. We should not forget that the deeds we perform are to set an example for the people of the future! Our words and actions are the template for future human beings. Have we scrutinized our words and actions? People of the future may say, "Some Falun Dafa practitioners did not expose the evil when they were persecuted."

Please think about this. Have we failed to expose the wicked people who persecute Falun Dafa practitioners due to our fear or our human mind-sets? This would not be a good example of our cultivation path to leave for the future. Are we cultivating by being passively tolerant during the persecution? Or are we cultivating ourselves during the persecution by sending forth righteous thoughts, eliminating the forces behind the persecution, and exposing the persecution? Which path has our Teacher left for us? Which path is accepted by our Teacher? The path that is not accepted by our Teacher is disgraceful!

Teacher told us firmly long ago in the article "Expose the Evil Happening Locally to the Local People,"

"I hope all Dafa disciples and new students in Mainland China will do this well."

We should act in accordance and be a reflection of our Teacher's Fa. Have we done this well? What does it mean to truly believe in Teacher and truly believe in the Fa? After Teacher has taught us the Fa, is it enough that we just read the Fa a couple of times? If that were true, why did Teacher teach us the Fa?

"Expose the evil happening locally to the local people" is what every practitioner must do. This is a test that all practitioners must pass. Fellow practitioners in areas where the persecution still exists have either not done well to "expose the evil happening locally to the local people" or they have not let go of their human mentalities. I suggest that fellow practitioners at those locations look inside to see if these are the reasons, and if so, catch up with the progress of Fa-rectification as soon as possible.

Due to the limitation of my cultivation, the above is merely my personal understanding.