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Some Understandings on Sending Forth Righteous Thoughts

November 11, 2007 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner from Tianjin, China

(Clearwisdom.net) Several years ago, when I began to send forth righteous thoughts, due to my limited energy field I was only able to eliminate the evil in a small dimension. For example, the dimension that I was able to get to was as big as a room, but I could only clean out a portion of it that was as big as a piece of bread. Later, with continued Fa-study, I better understood the importance of sending righteous thoughts.

Master said,

"When Dafa disciples around the world send righteous thoughts together at the same time, the power is boundless. So, if each person had been able to handle this matter with very strong righteous thoughts and been doing it very well from the beginning, then perhaps there would be no evil remaining now. It's precisely because many practitioners have been interfered with by one thing or another that it hasn't been done well." ("Fa Teaching at the 2007 New York Fa Conference")

Master benevolently and seriously pointed out our deficiency in sending forth righteous thoughts. After studying the Fa, I decided to strengthen my efforts at sending righteous thoughts and make up for the deficiency that Master has pointed out. Therefore, in addition to the four preset times when Dafa disciples around the world send righteous thoughts together, I sent righteous thoughts every hour and prolonged the duration from ten minutes to twenty minutes.

After sending righteous thoughts for a period of time, my ability for eliminating the evil improved. I saw that the righteous thoughts I sent were very powerful. As soon as my mind-intent got there, my gong did as well. The golden gong from my body directly reached the heavens, encompassing everything and leaving out nothing in that dimension. My energy field was becoming stronger and stronger, covering a larger range of cosmoses. I also saw that I was a big Buddha, with my head touching the sky. I sat in the middle of the cosmos and cleaned out the evil. Another time, I saw that the energy from my lotus hand position resembled a searchlight, but it was broader and denser. My energy radiated up and down in the cosmos, eliminating the evil. One day, I did the lotus hand position to prepare for sending forth righteous thoughts. Suddenly, a one-foot high energy column that was white and three millimeters wide burst forth from the middle finger of my right hand, and a half-foot high white energy column burst forth from my ring finger. Then strong energy shot out from my entire lotus hand. The energy was milky white and two meters high. Its base was as wide as the lotus hand position, and the top of it was half a meter wide, mixed with pure white light that consisted of spots of different sizes and one and a half inch long perpendicular lines. It was a splendid sight. Later, when I did the lotus hand position to send forth righteous thoughts, I felt the energy on my hands stronger than before. As soon as I did the lotus hand position, the energy burst forth from my palms and spontaneously eliminated the evil in the cosmos.

When Master's birthday came on May 24, 2007 (April 8 of the lunar calendar), I sent righteous thoughts at midnight. After cleansing my own dimension, I erected my palm and imagined with my mind-intent that I was as tall as heaven and incomparably noble. I saw that my bodies were there, layer upon layer, just like the Falun emblem on the cover of Hong Yin Volume II. The bodies were like sheets piled up one after another. When these bodies traveled through each dimension, one of them entered this dimension to eliminate the evil. There were so many dimensions and bodies. I realized that when I made some progress in sending forth righteous thoughts, Master encouraged me by letting me see how my cultivated beings are eliminating the evil and saving sentient beings in other dimensions. I made up my mind to do the three things well, send righteous thoughts well, and eliminate more evil in other dimensions that is interfering with Fa-rectification, so that I will not let Master down.

While sending forth righteous thoughts, whether the positions are accurate and the thoughts are focused will directly influence its effectiveness. As I send righteous thoughts, I find that when my thoughts are focused and strong, the lotus hand position is accurate and my five fingers stretch to the maximum extent, I can achieve the best effect. When I recite the Fa-rectification formula "the Fa (Fa) rectifies (zheng) the Cosmos (qian kun); the Evil (xie e) is completely (quan) eliminated (mie)," my gong reaches the heavens. When I recite "encompassing everything and leaving out nothing in any dimension," the evil in the Three Realms are eliminated. When the lotus hand position is not accurate and my five fingers cannot stretch to the maximum extent, the effect is not as good and the gong can only cover part of the cosmos. When my thoughts are not focused or I am interfered with by stray thoughts, my hands fold together. In this case, I cannot achieve the effect of purging the evil. The same is true with how I hold my hand up. When my thoughts are focused and strong, I can join the mind and spirit together naturally. When I am interfered with or my thoughts are not strong, my hand unconsciously drops down. So while sending righteous thoughts, I often remind myself that the positions should be accurate and each time I should achieve the effect of eliminating the evil. Sometimes before I send righteous thoughts, I add a thought, "Eliminate the interference, send righteous thoughts well."

The above are some of my understandings on sending forth righteous thoughts. I wrote them down to share with fellow practitioners. There is little time left in Fa-rectification, so let us send righteous thoughts well, completely disintegrate the evil and save more sentient beings. This is the best way to live up to our Master's compassion.