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Closely Follow Teacher to Be a Fa-rectification Period Dafa Disciple

December 10, 2007 |   By a practitioner in Shandong Province


Dear Master! Dear Fellow Practitioners!

I am extremely honored to be able to participate in this sacred experience sharing conference. I am a female Dafa practitioner in my 30s with a college degree. I heard about Dafa in 1993. In June 1994, I joined Teacher's second class in Jinan, Shandong Province. Then I truly started to cultivate.

After the persecution started on July 20, 1999, I went to Beijing several times to appeal. As a result, I was illegally detained once in the detention center and twice in the police station. In December 2001, the police planned to send me to a forced labor camp. During the physical examination, I was found to have many illnesses, so they decided to send me back to the brainwashing center for further persecution. I did not want to passively endure it. Under Teacher's compassionate care, I left there with righteous thoughts. Since then I have been walking on the road of validating the Fa.

Looking back over the past eight years, at the beginning I passively waited for Teacher to arrange everything. Later I took initiatives to communicate with fellow practitioners on how to do the three things well. I also went from merely distributing materials to preparing materials myself. With Teacher's compassionate care and fellow practitioners' selfless help, I gradually matured.

Many miracles took place in the past eight years. I often felt immersed in Teacher's blessings. Below are some of my experiences.

One time the contact person who normally received the truth-clarification materials I made changed. I was only told the name of the village and the name of her son. Upon arriving at the village on a bike, I began to ask where she lived. It turned that I had stopped right in front of her house.

Sometimes in order to do things to validate the Fa, I had to travel a long way to unfamiliar places. One time I lost my way in the middle of the night. Two ladies appeared and gave me directions.

One day after preparing materials at a fellow practitioners' home, we were about to leave and noticed many people outside by the road. We sent forth righteous thoughts, and they left. When we went to some villages to distribute truth-clarification materials, it was raining. We sent forth righteous thoughts hoping the materials would not get wet. The rain stopped immediately. We know all these phenomena are due to Teacher's compassionate care.

In early 2002, for various reasons, we needed to ride our bikes for close to 100 miles to obtain truth-clarification materials for our area. Several of us were doing this, including a practitioner more than 60 years old. As soon as Teacher's new articles arrived, we needed to give them to fellow practitioners immediately, regardless of whether it was day or night. Had I not been a practitioner, I would not have been able to ride such a long way.

Each time upon leaving, I sent forth righteous thoughts. On the road, I first reminded myself to have the status of a god who is doing the most sacred thing in the universe. I also asked Teacher for help. In addition, I communicated with my bike (an old one), the wind, and plants by the road, asking them to help validate the Fa. As a result, riding the bike became effortless, as if someone was pushing me. My entire body also felt very comfortable, and I was not tired even after riding for a long time.

One day I went to the countryside to deliver Teachers' articles to practitioners. On the way back, the road was wet from the rain, causing me to lose control of my bike and I fell. I looked around. It was a muddy road and there was lots of mud on my bike. We found a wooden stick and cleaned the bike. But soon after we began to ride, my bike became stuck in the mud again. Waiting there for a solution, we noticed someone walking in the other direction carrying a bike on his shoulder. He told us that carrying our bikes on our shoulders was the best solution. I could not carry things on my shoulder because I was so young and it would hurt my shoulder. So, what should we do? With Teacher and the Fa, what should I fear? Because it was evening and difficult to see the road clearly, soon afterwards, I slipped and fell. I thought, "Today is Falun Dafa Day, which is celebrated in both heaven and the human world. This hardship is trivial, since nothing can be compared to our efforts to help other practitioners read Teacher's lectures early." I carried Dafa books on my shoulder and walked for hours back to the concrete road.

As the Fa-rectification proceeds, many more material sites need to be established. Because I used to consider the computer a product of alien technology, I was uninterested in it.

After sending forth righteous thoughts asking Teacher to arrange my path to validate the Fa, I followed things naturally. Soon afterwards, another practitioner asked if I wanted to learn how to use a computer and make truth-clarification cards. Another practitioner ("A") also wanted to learn how, but the tutoring practitioner only taught me, not A. When I met A again later, she seemed very indifferent to me. Noticing she was influenced by attachments, I sent forth righteous thoughts to disintegrate evil elements that interfere with practitioners validating the Fa and that interfere with our improving as one body. From my heart, I tried to enlarge the capacity of my compassion and be even better to her. I also shared this with other practitioners so that we could send forth righteous thoughts together. When I saw A for the fifth time, I noticed she no longer had any notions towards me and was nice to me as she was before.

When teaching me computer technology, the tutoring practitioner told me to learn the necessary tools and to pay no attention to other things. That was consistent with my notion. I thought that, as a Fa-rectification Dafa disciple, we should do the "three things" well, especially study the Fa well. I felt that if I spent too much time on learning computer technology, it would take up time that could otherwise be used for Fa-study. Looking back, I realized that my earlier understanding was too extreme. As Fa-rectification continues to advance, more material sites are being established in different regions. Technical knowledge requirements have also become higher and higher for Dafa practitioners.

Later, fellow practitioners suggested that I visit Minghui/Clearwisdom websites. With little knowledge in computer technology, I lacked confidence. I tried to overcome the attachment of fear. Many practitioners encouraged me, "You are a college graduate and you know some English. We need you to learn more computer technology."

Through calming down to study the Fa and looking within, I was clear on my responsibility as a Dafa disciple. One day I suddenly realized that the attachment of fear--the notion that bothered me a long time--was gone. I was no longer afraid of accessing the Minghui website. Once every week I downloaded all the articles, booklets, and technical materials, then passed them on. Sometimes the results were surprisingly good.

In this process, my technical skills also improved. I gradually learned how to install computer systems and do some simple troubleshooting. Every time I purchased equipment, I sent forth righteous thoughts: "Please return with me if you are here to help validate the Fa." I sent forth righteous thoughts to rectify them from the microscopic level to the surface. When doing Dafa work, I also consider doing things as a mighty god who is doing the most sacred thing in the universe. I also ask Teacher for help and communicate with items such as the machines around, me hoping they can have a good future by helping validate the Fa.

As more materials sites are established to save sentient beings, I have to prepare materials, buy consumables, print the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party, and help others with technical issues. It is actually a process of serious xinxing improvements. The practitioners who come to learn the techniques have different levels of education, some without even elementary schooling and some already in their 80s. When I teach them, some young educated practitioners immediately learn how to get on to the Internet, download files, and print them. However, some practitioners are still unable do very basic things even after many days. This has been a real test for my patience. On the other hand, their righteous thoughts have indeed impressed me--they believe they can learn it. This has motivated me to fulfill my responsibility: no matter how hard it is, I will teach them as long as it helps to validate the Fa.

Normally I write down the detailed procedures in advance. After demonstrating techniques to fellow practitioners several times, I ask them to read the notes to learn themselves. However, some practitioners are unwilling to read the notes.

One day, I went to an elderly practitioner's home. I told him one of the very basic techniques--how to input MP3, but he forgot. I asked him to read the notes I gave him, and he refused. I was upset, thinking he was delaying other practitioners from saving sentient beings. Then I thought: "How can I do things with complaint, competition, and other attachments? First of all, I need to have compassion." In my heart, I was reciting an article of Teacher's again and again:

"Forbearance is the key to improving one's xinxing. To endure with anger, grievance, or tears is the forbearance of an everyday person who is attached to his concerns. To endure completely without anger or grievance is the forbearance of a cultivator." (Essentials For Further Advancement)

Finally, my heart calmed down and became peaceful. Once again I carefully told the practitioner how to do it. In fact, that practitioner was already over 70 years old, and he sacrificed a lot to validate the Fa.

Teacher said:

"You know, many things of Dafa disciples will be left for the future; they won't necessarily be left for human beings, perhaps they'll be left somewhere in the cosmos. Since you are validating the Fa, you are exploring whether you can do certain things in certain ways, and are blazing a path for the future. Even though these things manifest here on the earth, at this human place, if you magnify them [you'll see that] in different realms they manifest in other ways. Each Dafa disciple has to make and complete his own path, and your paths in cultivation are all different; in other words, each person's cultivation path is different. All of the future states of the various kinds of beings that are at different levels of the cosmos might manifest in you to a certain extent, so it all depends on whether the paths you yourselves walk in validating the Fa are straight, good, and will work. Factors this huge are involved." ("Teaching the Fa at the 2004 Chicago Conference")

I realized that, only with by compassionately understanding him, together with forbearance, could I help him learn the computer techniques quicker and use them to walk on his way to validate the Fa.

I feel what I have written here is only a tiny part and cannot fully express my gratitude to Teacher. Only by being more diligent and steadily doing the "three things" well can I be worthy of Teacher's compassionate salvation.

Thank you, Teacher!

Thank you, fellow practitioners!

October 30, 2007