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United Kingdom: Outdoor Falun Dafa Booth in Bradford Successful Despite Rain (Photos)

December 05, 2007 |   By a UK practitioner

(Clearwisdom.net) To most, the cold, wet and miserable, somewhat typical English weather would keep people wrapped up warm inside, but local practitioners saw the day as another glorious opportunity to raise awareness about the benefits of practicing Falun Gong, as well as letting people know about the persecution of the practice in China.

On a market day in Bradford's city center, many booths were arrayed along both sides of the pedestrian area selling a wide array of food. Practitioners were able to find a space large enough between the booths to set up a table and display boards. As the rain began to pour down, the table had to be cleared, making it difficult to collect signatures on petition forms. Some practitioners handed out leaflets, while others stood behind the display and empty, wet table to perform the exercises.

With practitioner's compassionate hearts, the rain did not dampen the activity, and from time to time the rain began to break and the temperature turned slightly warmer. Practitioners were soon rewarded for their persistence when the occupants next to them packed up and left quite early, leaving their booth and tables free for use.

Sheltered from the rain in the booth, practitioners soon filled the dry tables with petition forms and other Falun Gong materials. Passersby began to show more interest, many signing the petition forms, collecting materials, and talking with practitioners. The whole activity was also able to spread out to a larger area.

Source: http://clearharmony.net/articles/200712/42298.html