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Master Is Beside Me All the Time

February 18, 2007 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) I am an elderly practitioner, and I obtained the Fa in June 1997. As I had not attended school and could not read, studying the Fa was very difficult for me. I remember that first night after I obtained the Fa and returned home from the practice site. Immediately after I got into bed, I saw Master's Fashen (Law Body) holding a big placard on which were several large characters. On the top row were the characters that read Zhuan Falun, and on the lower row were the characters that read "Falun Dafa is good." Master asked me to read these characters. I said that I had not attended school and could not read. Master said, "You can start to learn." I kept nodding my head and said, "I will."

After I came home from the practice site on the second night, I saw the whole room shining with golden light. I hurriedly asked my son and daughter-in-law to look at it. My son said, "Today Dafa has formally arrived in our home." Every day I asked my children to teach me to read the characters and study the Fa. Sometimes when my son was not available, I would encounter characters that I could not read. Those characters would elevate from the book and glow; I would then immediately remember those characters. Now I'm able to read most of the Dafa books and Master's lectures.

I have been persecuted several times, imprisoned three times, put into the brainwashing center once, and illegally arrested once. Each time it was Master who rescued me.

On a day in autumn 2001, the police arrested me and took me to the second story of the police department building. They surrounded me and kicked and hit me until I could not get up. Even then they still would not stop. They pushed me against the wall, kicked me brutally, slapped my face, and kicked me. My whole body was surrounded by light. When they slapped me, a Falun was rotating on my head. I felt that it was Master who was enduring it for me. It made me so sad that I could not help crying loudly. The policemen asked me, "Why are you crying?" I said, "Do you know that your fists and slaps all land on my Master's Fashen." They immediately stopped beating me.

In September 2002, I was taken to the detention center. While there, I recited the Fa and practiced the exercises every day. The prison guards beat and abused me; I was not moved at all by what they did. They continued to persecute me. Then they sent me to the Wuhan City Women's Prison. I rarely could read the Fa in the prison, and those who monitored me often interfered with my reciting the Fa. I was very worried about not being able to study the Fa.

April 8, 2005 (of the lunar calender) was Master's birthday. I bought some fruit and put it on my bed to celebrate Master's birthday. I was so worried that I could not study the Fa there that I cried out loudly. I begged Master to give me some hints.

That night I had a dream that Master took me floating to another dimension. It was so spectacular there. The buildings, pavilions, terraces, and towers were all like those in ancient paintings except that they were even more wonderful. The grass, flowers, and trees were gorgeous. Fairies were flying here and there; some of them were playing in the garden. I went under a divine peach tree; three divine peaches were particularly beautiful. Then Master took me floating to a big square. Soon after my feet touched the ground, I raised my head and saw that Master stood on a stage far away and started to give a lecture. Many, many Dafa disciples sat with their legs crossed and were listening to Master's lecture. There were many overseas practitioners. Behind and on the left and right sides were practitioners from Mainland China. The number of practitioners from Mainland China was much fewer than that of the overseas practitioners. Master said, "The whole universe will celebrate the spread of Dafa all over the world. Those persecuted practitioners, don't worry. When you cultivate to a certain level you will surely be golden and glowing."

When I woke up, I felt that the dream was so true. Master was beside me all the time.

On the day I was due to be released, the prison held a meeting attempting to force practitioners to give up Dafa. The prison guards tried to force me, and I was so worried that I did not eat for five days. On the fifth day I fell asleep and had a dream. In the dream I jumped over four boats. The next day when I stepped into the meeting room, I saw four prison guards. I was reminded of the dream the previous night. I knew it was Master who was giving me a hint; that as long as I held righteous thoughts, I would be able to break through. Soon the prison guards asked me to speak. I stood up, walked from the last row straight towards the front, and went to the stage. There I promoted Dafa. I talked about the changes in both my body and mind over the years since I practiced Dafa and the improvement of my xinxing. I turned their meeting into one promoting Dafa.

At the end, the guards brought me a repentance letter ("guarantee statement") written by the inmates who were ordered to monitor me, and they told me to sign it. I firmly refused. Then they walked away with smiles. After that they no longer said anything to me about giving up my practice or asked me to sign anything.

The experiences during these years have made me deeply feel the supernormal power of Dafa and the grand benevolence of Master. I will continue striving forward vigorously on my cultivation path and return home with Master upon consummation.

February 3, 2007