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Experiencing the Miracle of Falun Dafa during the Nine-Day Lecture Series

February 25, 2007 |   by a Falun Dafa practitioner from Hebei Province

(Clearwisdom.net) I am an elderly female practitioner, 69 years old, from the Pingshan Mountain area of Hebei Province. Before practicing Dafa, I had many physical ailments, such as pain in my back and legs. I was unable to straighten my body and was incapable of taking care of myself. As a result, I had to stay in bed for 6 months, doing nothing but eating and resting. In addition, I also had serious hemorrhoids with bleeding and my eyes had cataracts. Further, I had animal possession, from which I suffered irrationality and also had addictions to alcohol and cigarettes. My suffering was hard to describe.

January 20, 1996 was a date I'll never forget. On this day, my daughter took me to her home to learn Falun Gong—to go to a nine-day lecture series to watch Teacher's videos. As soon as my daughter and I went into the lecture room and sat—before the video even started—I heard Teacher's voice: "A person has asked her relative to come here to learn Dafa, and I welcome everybody to join; as long as the person is here truly for the purpose of learning Dafa, regardless of animal possession or illnesses or other bad things, I can purify her body" (paraphrase). Hearing these words, I was very surprised. Teacher's lecture video had not yet started, so how could I have heard Teacher's voice? At that moment, the power of Dafa shocked me. My heart calmed down all a sudden, and in my mind, I was thinking: Since Teacher had already read my daughter's and my minds, he must be able to clean up my illnesses and animal possession; this time, I hacw truly found the "legendary doctor of miracles." So I made the resolution in my mind that I would study Falun Gong diligently.

After the first night's lecture, I no longer thought about alcohol or cigarettes; what a "powerful" qigong! Eight days later, the animal possession, as well as the illnesses I had, were all gone and my body had recovered fully. The gratitude in my heart was hard to describe in ordinary words and I deeply thanked Dafa and Teacher. Dafa and Teacher gave me my new life. Falun Dafa is truly a miracle!

However, Jiang Zemin and Jiang's evil group have been reversing logic and mixing right and wrong. They've been using lies to cheat people and to slander Dafa. Their crime is reprehensible!