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Turkey: Non-Government Organization Conference Condemns CCP Brutality

March 14, 2007 |   By a practitioner from Turkey

(Clearwisdom.net) On March 6, 2007, representatives from non-government organizations concerned with the needs and rights of women and the Women's Association in Mersin, Turkey, held an annual meeting. Representatives from the Falun Dafa Association in Turkey were invited to the conference.

Practitioners introduced Falun Gong to the attendees and exposed the brutal persecution Falun Gong faces in China. All the representatives were shocked by the CCP's brutality. They supported Falun Gong and condemned the CCP's persecution.

Ms. Gaye Erbatur, a congresswoman from Adana, attended the conference. Falun Gong practitioners submitted a document to her exposing details of the persecution, hoping that she would help to end the persecution. Ms. Erbatur said that she would do her best.