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I Went From Not Believing to Believing and Gained a Second Life Through Falun Dafa

April 11, 2007 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) I live in Chengde City, Shuanqao District. On December 26, 2006, I was hospitalized for abdominal pain. The initial diagnosis was liver cirrhosis, but additional tests revealed it was late stage liver cancer. After a three-day hospital stay, the doctor suggested that my family take me home, because the disease was not treatable.

I was discharged from the hospital on December 30, 2006 and went home. By then I had lost all confidence in getting well. My uncle who practices Falun Gong came to visit me. He had asked me in the past to practice Falun Gong, but I did not believe in Falun Gong and did not practice. Aware of my illness, my uncle was quite anxious and came again to ask me to practice Falun Gong.

This time, I took a chance and started Falun Gong practice. The first day of the practice I was able to do the Falun standing stance for 30 minutes. That night, a miracle occurred. I previously had abdominal bloating that caused bowel problems, but that night after the Falun Gong practice, I had some tolerable abdominal pain and rushed into the bathroom to empty my bowels without a problem. This incident gave me a new understanding of the Fa. With my uncle's help I began sincerely practicing Falun Gong, and I felt better with each passing day.

After two weeks of Falun Gong practice, one day after finishing a practice session, I felt waves of chest pain and a shortness of breath. This continued until 10:00 p.m. Suddenly the symptoms became worse. I rushed to the bathroom and vomited blood. My chest then felt better, the pain disappeared, and I regained my breath after vomiting copious amounts of blood. My wife was frightened at the sight of the blood and fainted. I pulled her out of the bathroom and carried her to the living room. She awakened and begged me to see the doctor right way. By this time my mind was clear. I knew that my experience was not the result of illness. It was Master who had cleaned up my body. I insisted on not going to the hospital.

Vomiting blood made me weak and dizzy and I fell asleep. A vision soon appeared to me. I saw a small boy, about 30 cm. (12 in.) tall, sitting between my wife and me. He held two bamboo tubes, and was smiling. He said, "Hurry up! You hurry up! I have two tubes. One will be filled up with your bones and one will be your flesh."

I was very scared and did not know what to do. Suddenly I recalled that Master once said that each Dafa practitioner was protected by Master's law body. I started calling to Master for help. As soon as I had this thought, Master's law body appeared in my left line of vision. I could not see the top part of the law body, but I could see the lower part. Master sat cross-legged with conjoined hands. He made a circle on the top of my head and then disappeared. In the meantime, the small boy disappeared, and everything was back to normal. I fell asleep again.

In the morning a brushing sound awakened me. My wife was cleaning the toilet, which made me recall the previous day's incident. I became afraid again. For no reason, even with two doors (one in my bedroom, and one in the bathroom) blocking my view, I suddenly saw the long hair of the small boy facing head first into the toilet drain. I clearly heard the sound of his laughing. I became extremely fearful. My whole body was shaking. The fright was indescribable! I again asked Master for help. As soon as I did, Master's image appeared in the upper left corner of the bathroom, but I could only see the lower part, which was similar to what I saw the first time. Master appeared for only a short while. He performed a hand gesture, and then disappeared. The small boy also disappeared.

In the morning my wife told my experience to my uncle on the phone. My uncle arrived right away and told me these were good things, that Master had helped me to eliminate karma, that I should not be worried, and that I should continue studying the Fa. Because my body was too weak to practice the Falun Gong exercises at the time, my uncle stayed with me and read Zhuan Falun to me continuously. With my uncle's help I was back to normal four days later and could practice the exercises.

Having gone through this life and death experience, my wife and other relatives start changing their thoughts and have a new understanding of Falun Gong.

What I wrote above is my personal experience, and everything is true. I am deeply grateful to Master and Falun Dafa. Master had given me a second life. All I would like to say is that Falun Dafa is good. Truthfulness, Compassion, Tolerance is good, and Master is great. Now, February 27, 2007, I have cultivated in Dafa for more than a month. I used to be one who could not do anything. Now I am a normal person. I am completely free of a serious illness.