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Reporting Dafa Practitioners to the Police Results in Karmic Retribution

April 14, 2007 |   By A Dafa practitioner in Yongqing County, Hebei Province

(Clearwisdom.net) Led by China's former dictator Jiang Zemin, since July 1999 the Chinese Communist regime has cracked down on Falun Gong with outrageous lies and fabricated "proof". Falun Gong practitioners have been subjected to illegal arrest, forced labor, fines, imprisonment and even death from brutal torture. So far, 3012 practitioners have been confirmed dead from persecution.

Some people who are deceived by "CCP culture" still report on and help to persecute Falun Gong practitioners. On March 25, 2007, Kou Guolan, a Dafa practitioner in Yangmazhuang Township, Yongqing County, Hebei Province, was reported to police when she was clarifying the truth and was subsequently arrested. Ms. Kou's family all benefited from Falun Gong. After 1999, Ms. Kou was arrested twice, a great amount of money was extorted from her husband and son, and her son was sent to a forced labor camp. Ms. Kou was arrested again just because she wants to tell people the truth of Falun Gong.

In recent years, many people involved in persecution of Falun Gong practitioners have received retribution. Zhang Zhenqing, who was responsible for the death of Dafa practitioner Han Zhenju, was dismissed from his current position; Wang Wenbin, who arrested and beat Falun Gong practitioners died after a car accident; Liang Chengshan, the former director of Houyi Police Station and detention center, who recklessly tortured detained Falun Gong practitioners, was hit and killed by a falling pendant lamp in a ballroom.

Herein we advise police or government officials who still persecute Falun Gong practitioners to stop. The CCP regime continues to harvest organs from living Falun Gong practitioners regardless of international condemnation. In this sense, the persecution of Falun Gong is directly killing innocent Falun Gong practitioners. "Rewards for good and retribution for evil" is a heavenly principle. We hope all of you will calm down and read the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party so you can clearly recognize the true nature of the communist evil spirit and quit the CCP and affiliated organizations. We sincerely wish all of you can be saved from the same fate that awaits the evil CCP!

March 31, 2007