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Falun Gong Gives Uremia Patient a Second Life

April 15, 2007 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) The world is full of people and their distinct experiences. Every day, joy and tragedy abound. The following true story recently happened in a hospital. It is another irrefutable testimony of the wonders of Falun Dafa and the compassion of Master Li Hongzhi.

On the evening of December 31, 2006, Mr. W was ready to leave for his night shift at work. As he went down the stairs, suddenly he could not move his legs and he had difficulty breathing. His wife was alarmed and called a cab. She and the cab driver struggled to move Mr. W to the car. They took him to the hospital immediately and he was diagnosed with late-stage uremia. He was considered to be in extremely critical condition and could die at anytime.

The next morning, his family and friends went to the hospital. The doctor told the family that they should be prepared for the worst and that the hospital might need to do emergency dialysis to keep Mr. W alive. His family only wanted dialysis to be done as a last resort. They heard about a renal disease expert from another patient in the hospital. Mr. W's mother and sister decided to visit the expert.

However, they were not familiar with the area where the expert lived and did not have the exact address. They asked all around, including the local police, but could not find the expert even after a full day of searching. When they returned to the hospital, it was already late in the evening. Mr. W again had difficulty breathing, even with an oxygen mask. He also passed in and out of consciousness. A few of his good friends had planned to use the New Year's holiday to have a party. After hearing that Mr. W was sick, they went to visit him. They were shocked at the critical condition he was in, and each left 100 yuan for the family. They then went home and talked about funeral arrangements.

Mr. W's mother is a Falun Dafa practitioner. As she saw her son on the brink of death and her daughter-in-law so tired and anxious, instead of feeling the pain of losing a son, she felt great regret for her son, who had studied Falun Dafa at one time but did not cherish the practice. She was also concerned about her daughter-in-law's future. She held her son so he could sit up, began reciting the Fa, sent forth righteous thoughts, and asked Master to give her son another chance.

Mr. W regained consciousness and recited the Fa with his mother. He also asked Master to give him another chance. His mother told him about the doctor's suggestion of dialysis, and Mr. W insisted the he didn't want to do it and did not want to leave a heavy financial burden for his wife. Then he started reciting Lunyu, Master's articles, and Zhuan Falun. As he finished the section, "Genuinely Guiding People Toward Higher Levels," a miracle occurred: he became tired and fell asleep without plugging in the oxygen supply. He no longer had difficulty breathing and slept very well.

His nap lasted a little over an hour. A nurse came in to draw his blood, and Mr. W woke up. Then he got up and went to the bathroom. He was able to stand up straight and walk on his own. The doctor and nurses were stunned. Many patients and their families also witnessed his improvement. Shortly afterward, Mr. W went downstairs by himself for his ultrasound and electrocardiogram (ECG) tests.

His friends returned and saw that he was like a different person from the day before. They also felt that Falun Dafa was truly wondrous. Although the tests still showed some health problems, Mr. W remained firm against doing dialysis. He convinced his wife that he no longer needed infusions. After he started studying Master's articles, he realized that he was not really ill, and that he was already cured. He rejected further medications. The doctor also saw how he improved after reading the Falun Dafa books. Although they could not understand, they couldn't do anything but let him leave the hospital. His supervisor from work went to the hospital to visit him, but Mr. W had already left. The doctor told the supervisor about his progress, and both felt that it was hard to believe. Although some of his family members and friends could not understand why he left the hospital so suddenly, when they saw that he was indeed recovering, they didn't have any more objections.

Through this miraculous turn of events, Mr. W's family, friends, supervisor, colleagues, doctors, nurses, and some fellow patients, as well as their family members, all witnessed the wonders of Falun Dafa.