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Believe in Teacher and the Fa and Have No Fear

April 16, 2007 |   By Falun Dafa practitioner Li Yu (pseudonym) from China

(Clearwisdom.net) Teacher said,

"Our Law Wheel protects you if you're a true cultivator. My roots are all deeply planted in the universe, and if someone could affect you, he could affect me, and to put it directly, he'd be able to affect the universe." "When you really cultivate on a true path nobody will dare to just go and give you trouble, and what's more, you have my Law Bodies protecting you, so you won't run into any danger." (Zhuan Falun, 2003 edition)

I firmly believe in Teacher and the Fa and I keep in mind that I am a disciple of our Master all the time. I am not afraid when I run into tribulations while doing the three things well. Although the road of cultivation has been a bumpy one, so far I am safe and sound!

I obtained the Fa on October 21, 1998. A fellow practitioner lent me a copy of Zhuan Falun. I read more than 80 pages in one sitting and felt delighted beyond expression. I felt that this was the Dafa that I had been seeking, and firmly believed that Teacher would lead me back home. When my husband returned home from work at noon, he asked me what had happened and why I looked so happy. I told him that I had gotten the best book, a book that teaches how to cultivate "Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance." When my son heard it, he immediately said, "Mom, I'll cultivate with you." He was only 8 years old. This is how my son and I embarked on the path of cultivation. At 4:00 a.m. every day, we went to group practice in the park and studied the Fa during the day. In the evening we went to listen to the Fa at a fellow practitioner's home or share experiences and discuss.

On July 20, 1999 when the evil Jiang's group began the overwhelming defamation and persecution of Dafa, I felt very sad at heart. I could hardly believe that such a good Dafa and such a great Teacher would be wronged in such a way. I had a thought in my mind that I would follow Teacher to the end and would not discredit Dafa. On that day I returned to my parents' home to help them with the rice harvest. When my parents heard about the persecution, they said to me, "Don't practice any more, you don't understand; the Cultural Revolution has returned." I said, "Cultural Revolution or not, I believe that Teacher is a good person and he is here to save human beings." Then I recited Teacher's "Nothing Kept" (Hong Yin, Volume I, translation A):

"In life, nothing sought, In death, regretting naught; Washing away all wrong thought, Buddhahood, with less adversity, is wrought."

Early the following morning, Zhou Yaping from the security department of my workplace came to my home to harass me. He asked me to hand him Teacher's portrait and Dafa books. Without the slightest fear, I ignored him. He dug through the drawer of my desk and found an excerpt of a hand-copied Zhuan Falun, Volume II. He grabbed it rashly and said he could get by on fulfilling his duties by taking this. During that time, people from my place of employment, the County Economics Committee, Public Security substation and the Township kept interrupting and harassing me, and they kept my home phone ringing. Li Xiaoshan, a police officer, violated the law while enforcing the law. He searched my home without a search warrant and almost every day he turned my cabinets and closets upside down without finding anything. At the end of 1999, my employer had a "talk" with me every day, afraid that I would go and appeal. The factory director demanded that my husband divorce me, so that they could fire me. I was not moved and told them, "I practice Falun Gong and try to be a good person, what is wrong with that?" They were dumbfound and thus the issue of divorce was over.

On June 18, 2006, some fellow practitioners and I went to Beijing to validate the Fa. I unfolded a banner at Tienanmen Square and shouted: "Falun Dafa is good! Falun Dafa is indeed good!" The evil police officers rushed towards me, grabbed my banner and took me to the Tienanmen Police Substation. Around 5:00 pm they took me to the Mentougou Substation. A policeman asked, "What is your name?" I shouted, "I'm a Dafa practitioner." I went on a hunger strike at supper time and refused to eat their food. At night, they played so-called "interrogation" tapes. I told them that I wanted to go home, as I had not done anything wrong and I just came to say some words of justice, that "Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance" are good and that our Teacher is good! I repeated these statements numerous times. I was on a hunger strike and was not afraid of the authorities. During my 15 days there, I was force-fed three times, my face was slapped numerous times, and I was even injected with an unknown drug once. In the end they had no other measures to make me yield, so they released me. I returned to join the wave of validating the Fa and clarifying the truth.

In late June, 2001, a fellow practitioner who had been arrested revealed my name under duress. Around 10:00 pm, the director of the local 610 Office led many people to my home. I did not open the door (I was reading Lecture Nine of Zhuan Falun at the time). The perpetrators kicked the door, the phone kept ringing and they kept barking orders outside. I was not moved and finished reading Lecture Nine. They banged on the door more and more hysterically. I became afraid and I opened the door. They ran into my home like bandits, turned it upside down, but failed to find anything. I held Zhuan Falun close to my heart. My son told them, "My Mom is a good person." The evil, unlawful thugs threatened him, saying, "We'll also take you away." My son was frightened. I was subsequently taken to the police substation.

In the substation, a vicious person named Chen Huanzhu hit me savagely. He banged my head against the wall and slapped me 30 times. It made me dizzy and I lost control of my bladder. I remembered Teacher's Fa: "If not, do not endure passively, and face the evil people with righteous thoughts at all times." ("Dafa Disciples' Righteous Thoughts are Powerful," Essentials for Further Advancement, II). So I shouted: "Do not beat people!" Chen Huanzhu backed away a few steps and then cuffed my hands to the bench. I couldn't sleep that whole night. The following morning I vomited because I was beaten so badly that I was not able to eat. I did not eat or drink for two days. They asked me again if I knew what my "sins" were. I replied, "I have no sins, what's wrong with being a good person?" Under Teacher's protection, I walked out of the police station and returned to Fa-rectification.

On the night of October 2, 2003, fellow practitioners and I were spotted by some people while we were clarifying the truth and distributing materials in a neighboring county. They tailed us until around 7:00 p.m.. On the ridge among the farm fields, one of the people following us suddenly ran over to grab my bag. I held onto it tightly since there were many truth-clarification materials and DVDs inside the bag. As we were in a stalemate for a long time, the other practitioners escaped. At that time, Teacher's words from "Rationality" came to my mind:

"Getting arrested is not the purpose. Validating Dafa is what's truly magnificent, and it is to validate Dafa that you step forward. Since you step forward, you should try to succeed in validating the Fa."

It suddenly dawned in my heart, so I clarified the truth to him. I said that Falun Gong was wronged, the self immolation at Tiananmen Square was to defame Falun Gong, and that Falun Gong was popular around the globe. I told him this was the truth. He didn't listen and hit me hard. I fell to the field and he stepped on me. I shouted, "Don't torture good people, you'll receive retribution if you persecute good people." The man said, "I want you to die tonight ..."

I sent righteous thoughts while sitting on the ridge and holding onto my bag, asking Teacher in my mind to strengthen his disciple. The perpetrator could not drag me away, so he took out a mobile phone trying to call other people to help. I said, "Your cellphone doesn't work." Indeed his cellphone wouldn't work. He was very angry and swore. I said confidently, "I am a disciple of the Teacher, no one can move me." Under Teacher's benevolent care, I escaped successfully. The man kept running after me, without giving up. I had no fear at all. I distributed the truth-clarification materials to each family in the area, and returned home safely.

Fellow practitioners, let us be diligent together, study the Fa and do the three things well. Everything comes from the Fa.

March 26, 2007