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Be Selfless and Righteous to Perfect and Harmonize in the Fa

April 02, 2007 |   By a practitioner in Utah

(Clearwisdom.net) In "Teaching the Fa at the 2002 Fa Conference in Philadelphia, U.S.A," Master told us,

"When another God proposes an idea, they aren't eager to reject it, and they aren't eager to express their own ideas and they don't believe that their own ideas are good. Instead, they look at what the end result of the other God's proposed approach will be. The paths are different--everyone's path is different--and the truths that beings validate and enlighten to in the Fa are different, too, but the results might very well be the same. That's why they look at the results, and if the result of a God's idea can achieve the goal, if it can truly achieve it, then all of them will go along with it. That's how Gods think. Also, if there's something lacking in it they'll unconditionally and quietly supplement it to make things more complete and perfect. That's how they handle things."

This is a selfless, righteous being. Why are some practitioners attached to the principles that they have enlightened to? Do they believe that only they have enlightened righteously, and that differing opinions cannot be based on the Fa? Have we truly understood all of Master's Fa?

It is my understanding that humans see enlightened beings as compassionate because enlightened beings always consider others and because the enlightened beings are not attached to what they understand. As cultivators, our path is one of "...righteous Enlightenment of selflessness and altruism." (From "Non-Omission in Buddha-Nature" in Essentials for Further Advancement) When some practitioners hear different opinions, they resist and even reject them. Is this the "capacity" of a cultivator? Even if this practitioner is thinking about Dafa and wants to take the right path, the rejection and resistant attitude is an omission and is not righteous.

Dafa disciples are one body. We should harmonize with and perfect each other. When a conflict arises, every participant must look inside. And as Teacher also told us, even practitioners that simply witness the conflict ought to look inside. When we encounter problems, we have to look within to see whether we have selfishness, whether we are handling the problem from the position of the whole body, and whether we are defensive and complaining about others. If so, then it has exposed a huge attachment of selfishness.

I believe that if everyone has the desire to perfect and harmonize in the Fa, and if everyone truly wants to solve the problem as one surfaces, the problem will be solved very quickly. However, if we mix in personal emotions, then we might intensify the problem and be unable to solve it right away. If everyone can give up self-interest, give up their human attachments, and handle the problem using wisdom and righteous thoughts, then all problems will be solved immediately. If everyone can consider others more and consider themselves less, there will be no loopholes for the evil to exploit.

The evil wants to overthrow Dafa disciples. Aren't they trying to use spies to cause conflict and distrust between Dafa disciples? When cultivators do well in cultivation, the old forces won't be able to stir up dissension. This is because cultivators will be tolerant of the others to a great extent. They will consider others and set aside their own interests. They will work harder themselves, leave more benefits to others, bear more hardship, and not think or care about personal gain or loss. In this case, it would not be a problem even if more conflicts arose. All problems would melt away in this environment.

This is what I have enlightened to at my level. If there is anything inappropriate, please kindly point it out.