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Taiwan: People Fly From A Remote Island to See Divine Performing Arts Performance (Photos)

April 20, 2007 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) Divine Performing Arts has been warmly received in Taiwan in the last two weeks, and people from flocked to see the performances. On April 17, 37 teachers and students from Kinmen flew in to Taipei to watch the performance.

The Great Tang Cultural Association, a non-governmental organization in Kinmen county, promotes moral education. The association sponsored an activity for local students to attend the show. The students who made the trip ranged from third graders to high school and university students. Some parents also went to accompany them, including one lady from Harbin.

Thirty-seven teachers and students from Kinmen went to Taipei by plane to watch Divine Performing Arts

Assistant Teacher in High School: This Inspires People to Walk on the Correct Path

Assistant teacher Cai Li-chuan of Kinmen High School said, "When Divine Performing Arts gave their show in Tainan, I unfortunately could not go due to work. I couldn't miss the Taiwan show." She invited friends to go with her to Taipei, and after watching the show, she said that she liked the performance very much. She said that art is an important factor in one's growth. The traditional and upright values promoted by the performance inspires people to walk on the correct path.

Chinese Language Teacher in Professional High School: Thorough Demonstration of Chinese Culture

Wu Pei-chen, Senior Chinese language teacher in Kinmen

Chinese language teacher Wu Pei-chen brought her children and students to watch the show. She said that the performance demonstrated the essence of Chinese traditional culture, and it was so pure and hard to do in today's society. She was so happy about the children also loving the show. Ms. Wu said, "Generally children are active and it is hard for them to sit quietly during a show. I was surprised that the students watched the performance so quietly�"they loved it."

Housewife from the Mainland: "Best I Have Ever Seen"

Ge Lijuan from Harbin was married in Kinmen more than ten years ago, and she went to watch the show with her child. She said that this was the best she has ever seen. She indicated that the show thoroughly demonstrated the essence of Chinese culture, such as "Mulan" presenting the virtues of loyalty and filial piety.

Student in Professional High School: I Will Share the Experience with My Teachers and Classmates

Student Chen Chung-ling from Kinmen Professional High School

Student Chen Chung-ling said that she likes the arts very much, and she learned a lot from the show. She said that she would write a report and share it with all of the teachers and students at her school. If the troupe comes to Taiwan again, she would recommend it warmly to her teachers and students.