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An 83-year-Old Falun Gong Practitioner's Cultivation Experiences

April 03, 2007 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) I'm 83 years old this year. I did not have a formal education. I have practiced Falun Gong for ten years. Before then I had a lot of karma. I had stomach problems and often vomited blood. I also smoked and drank; in particular, my temper was very bad, and almost no one dared to bring problems to me.

After another practitioner introduced me to Dafa, all of my illnesses disappeared. I have thoroughly gotten rid of the bad habits of smoking and drinking. My bad temper has completely gone away and I became a totally different person.

I “clarified the truth” to my neighbors. Because the media's mind-poisoning messages had deceived them, some of them no longer spoke to me. I felt sad and was worried that they would be eliminated. One day I heard Master's voice in my ear, “Disciple, you can help others and can talk to others. When they do not speak with you, you should not hate them!” Master knows my every single action and gave me the hint in time, which enabled me to correct my mindset.

Under Master's benevolent care and protection, an over-80-year-old woman like me leads a happy and joyful life. I thank our great and compassionate Master deeply from the bottom of my heart.

The Fa rectification is at the end stage. I will strive forward more diligently. Every day I listen to Master's lectures, practice the exercises, send forth righteous thoughts, and clarify the truth.

During the second half of 2006, many amazing things happened to me. I would like to share my experiences with fellow practitioners.

On the night of October 13, 2006, I suddenly fell. My left hand landed first and supported my whole body. I heard a cracking sound in my left wrist. I got up quickly and put the misplaced joint back in place. At that moment my left wrist was so swollen that it looked like a big steamed bun. I immediately reminded myself of Master's teachings and firmly believed in Master and the Fa.

I did not acknowledge the old forces' persecution of me and thoroughly denied all their persecution. As I could not practice the exercises, I kept on listening to Master's lectures. Hearing that I was injured, each of my daughters wanted to take me to their homes to look after me. I did not accept their offers. They also wanted to send me to a hospital. I firmly refused. I understood that I cannot stop studying the “Fa” and practicing the exercises. I also cannot leave our Fa study group and cannot leave our cultivation environment.

Soon after my wrist improved, another accident happened. I fell against a wall and hit the back of my head, and immediately lost consciousness. When I came to, I found that my neighbor had put me on the sofa. My head bled quite a bit and developed a big bump. I asked Master to help, and the bleeding stopped immediately. I did not feel pain, and the bump disappeared in two days.

The most serious accident happened on December 7, 2006. At about 5:00 p.m. when crossing a road I was hit by a taxi. When my neighbor helped me up, I saw that many people had gathered around. The taxi driver was frightened and wanted to take me to the hospital. I kept telling her, “Don't worry, you may go!” She said many good words to me and wanted to give me money. I did not accept. I looked at my right foot. The taxi's tires had ruined my shoes. When I took them off and removed my socks, I found blood. Half an hour later, my daughters and sons-in-law all came and wanted to speak to the taxi driver. I told my children again and again not to bring trouble to others and that it was my fault.

I thought about Master's teaching that we should think about others first. I understand Master's teachings and know that I had a karmic relationship with the driver in our previous lives. Now it was time for me to pay her back. Someone who was watching all this said, “Since there is still such a good person in today's society, it is a sign that the world is becoming better.”

My daughters went to the taxi driver's home. Seeing that so many people had come, the taxi driver was so worried. My daughter told her, “Don't be frightened, we are not here to bring trouble. Our mother is a Dafa practitioner, and she thinks about others in all situations. We only have one request: since she does not want to come to our places and lives on her own, we just ask you to go to look after her for a few days.” Hearing this, the taxi driver felt relieved.

I criticized my daughters when I found out and told them this was not right. Seeing that I was concerned, they went to ask for help from other practitioners nearby. This immediately solved the problem of my daily living and joining the group Fa study.

When the taxi driver came to visit me, I saw her kind heart and clarified the truth about Falun Gong to her and her family. She said from her heart with tears, “My husband, my three children, and I have gotten in touch with Falun Gong practitioners in person, and we have witnessed that you are all truly very good persons. We will no longer believe those deceptions spread in the TV programs. We will tell this experience to our friends and family members, that Falun Gong is good! Truth-Compassion-Forbearance is good! All Falun Gong practitioners are truly good persons! I thank the Master of Falun Gong, and also thank you, such good Falun Gong practitioners!” She then withdrew from the evil CCP and all of its related organizations, using an alias.

I'm so pleased and thank Master for giving me such an opportunity to rescue the five members of her family. My physical injuries quickly healed. Thank you, Master, and thank you, fellow practitioners!