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Canada: Members of Parliament Writes in Congratulation of Falun Dafa Week

May 15, 2007 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) Members of Parliament of Canada, Hon. Stephane Dion and Hon. Judy Sgro, wrote to Falun Dafa Association in Canada, respectively, in congratulation of Falun Dafa Week from May 13 to 19, 2007. Below is the text of the letters.

Letter from Hon. Stephane Dion:

Leader of the Opposition

I would like to extend my warmest greetings to everyone celebrating Falun Dafa Week from May 13 to 19, 2007.

Falun Dafa is an advanced traditional system of body-mind-spirit through gentle exercise and meditation emphasizing the principle of truthfulness, compassion and forbearance. As we make our way in this new century, our country stands apart for its rich cultural landscape. The celebrations surrounding Falun Dafa Week is a wonderful example our cultural diversity.

Falun Dafa has received worldwide recognition for helping to preserve precious human traditions such as honesty, courtesy, loyalty and unselfishness. I commend all those who helped organize the activities surrounding the week's celebrations and wish all participants a most exciting and memorable Falun Dafa Week.

Please accept my warmest regards.

Stephane Dion (signature)

PDF file (39KB)

Letter from Hon. Judy Sgro:

House of Commons


Falun Dafa Association of Canada (Toronto)

As the Member of Parliament for the Riding of York West may I extend my most sincere greetings and best wishes to everyone gathered here today as you celebrate your 15th Anniversary.

Your traditional methods are used to strengthen your followers both in mind and body, helping them draw closer to wisdom and enlightenment.

I wish you all continued health and happiness.

Hon Judy A. Sgro, Privy Council

Member of Parliament - York West

May, 2007

PDF file (105KB)