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North Carolina: Introducing Dafa to the Public on Falun Dafa Day (Photos)

May 18, 2007 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in North Carolina

(Clearwisdom.net) On Sunday, May 13, 2007, Falun Gong practitioners in North Carolina, together with their friends and family members held activities in Pullen Park in Raleigh, the capital of North Carolina, to celebrate World Falun Dafa Day. Many passersby also joined the celebration.

Practitioners demonstrate the exercises near the lake.

A western practitioner drove two and a half hours to participate in the celebration activity

A 13-year-old practitioner teaches people how to fold paper lotus flowers

Many practitioner had miraculous stories to tell, and every step forward they took manifested revered Master's boundless compassion. On such a special day when Heaven and Earth celebrated World Falun Dafa Day, practitioners reserved a beautiful pavilion on the lake in Pullen Park, and shared their joy in Dafa cultivation with local people, so as to let more predestined people learn about such a rare opportunity that will never come again in millions of years.

A new practitioner couple rented equipment for pumping up hydrogen balloons, and bought colorful balloons. Some practitioners brought exquisite paper lotus flowers and small windmills they made in their spare time. Others arrived quite early to post along the way beautifully printed guides for Dafa Day celebration activities for the convenience of tourists to join in. Some practitioners brought banners they had ordered for introducing Falun Dafa. Practitioners' relatives brought large platters of delicious dishes and delicate desserts. A practitioner who is a professional Erhu player performed beautiful music for people passing by.

Bathing in golden sunshine and a warm breeze, following the guides along the route, people came in twos or threes to take a look at practitioners' activities. Children rushed to the beautiful lotus flowers and small whirling windmills, or tied a beautiful hydrogen balloon to their wrist. In a warm and happy atmosphere, people were blessed with good messages from Falun Dafa.