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Practitioners' Role in Disintegrating Party Culture

May 20, 2007 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Clearwisdom.net) I am a university teacher. I began to learn Falun Dafa before July 20, 1999, but I was not diligent. I came back to Dafa in 2002. I was deeply moved by what I read in the book Disintegrate the Party Culture published on the Minghui/Clearwisdom website. Although I had read the "Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party" at the end of 2004 and I was also aware that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is directly responsible for the persecution of Falun Dafa in China and I kept adding the thought "disintegrate the evil Communist Party and all its elements in other dimensions" in my righteous thoughts as Teacher told us, it was not until I read Disintegrate the Party Culture that I realized even more clearly the implication of what Teacher said in "Turning the Wheel Towards the Human World" (February, 2005):

"The reality is, in Mainland China, before Dafa disciples took up cultivation they, too, were educated in the Party's culture."

This systematically arranged "Party culture" penetrates every aspect of Chinese people's lives. Their every thought, possession, and attitude has been branded with this "Party culture." An incident happened in our school recently that made me realize that every practitioner has the opportunity to play a role in disintegrating the Party's culture.

Institutions in China generally require their staff to fill out a form every year that includes the compulsory section titled "Brief Summary of Individual Annual Work." Occasionally they are required to write a summary and hand it in, which is then included in their personnel file. After I returned to Dafa practice in 2002, for the summary every year, I just briefly wrote the actual tasks I had performed in my job. However, this simple format was insufficient for the Party officials of our university this year, and we were required to write about our jobs in the four areas of "virtue, ability, attendance/diligence, and achievement" using a minimum of 1000 words. In other words, it had to include content from a "political" perspective and a summing-up from an "operational" perspective. After reading Disintegrate the Party Culture, I realized that this superficial formality is, in fact, to me, as a Dafa practitioner, a requirement in the new Fa-rectification situation--it is in one's power to disintegrate this Party culture.

Because we also must "report on one's work" for this individual annual work summary, which means that everyone reads his own summary to the rest of the department or board, this year I wrote a report of over 1000 words, following the requirements of a Dafa practitioner. On "virtue"--which, from their perspective, is a "political" aspect--I did not think in Party culture terms. Instead I reviewed, as a teacher, the most basic ethics I should have. In relation to "ability, attendance/diligence and achievement"--the "operational" aspect of the summary--I still wrote the facts relating to several of the most major tasks I had completed during the year, with no exaggerated or fine words. Then I added the part "issues found on the job" mainly to raise two concerns: students' weakness with regard to their knowledge of traditional culture and their passively giving up their independent thinking. I brought these issues forward as concerns that I had and invited my colleagues to consider these observations together. In actuality I was directing their attention to consider these issues. I could only imagine the impact this report would have.

When my colleagues were reporting, I noticed that almost every report expressed loyalty to the Party machine: they followed the format laid out and spoke of their achievements and comments from students, etc. It was as just Teacher said,

"If I don't tell people, how will they know" ("Mature").

Actually they had all given up their main consciousness and allowed this Party's culture to play a decisive role in their reports. Other colleagues listened absentmindedly, reluctantly sitting there and maintaining a superficial attentiveness. They knew it was a mind game but were unaware they were helping to maintain the Party culture. When it was my turn to report, in the beginning everyone was doing his own things--sending text messages, having side conversations, etc., but everyone became quiet very quickly, earnestly listening to me until I finished. Some of them immediately applauded and said, "Very well written!" Although others sarcastically said that I was "suspiciously moral," most of them just enjoyed my presentation. My own thoughts were that, regardless of whether they understood or not on the surface, their truly clear sides were aware for sure. When my colleagues write similar reports or summaries in the future, the influence of the Party's culture on their way of thinking will certainly be reduced, and even when they do everyday things, they will truly be able to use their own thoughts to speak and act with an essential awareness.

This is only an ordinary thing, but I think we, as Dafa practitioners, can all try our best to disintegrate the evil Party culture that seeps into every aspect of Chinese people's lives, also taking every opportunity to clarify the truth and advise people to quit the CCP and all its affiliates.

I wrote about this to remind fellow practitioners that we must pay attention to disintegrating the Party culture even in our daily work.