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We Must Place a Greater Emphasis on Sending Forth Righteous Thoughts

June 21, 2007 |   By a practitioner from Tianjin City

(Clearwisdom.net) Teacher tells us in "Fa Teaching at the 2007 New York Fa Conference,"

"It's not that Beijing Dafa disciples are not doing a good job. As you know, the largest amount of evil forces are concentrated in Beijing, so in terms of the effectiveness of clarifying the facts and the state of the practitioners, things there definitely lag behind other places. It's not because the practitioners are lacking, but rather, that the evil forces are greater there and are more concentrated there."

After I read this, I decided to extend the amount of time I devote to sending forth righteous thoughts.

I think we should intensify our efforts to send powerful righteous thoughts towards Beijing in order to thoroughly eliminate all the evil in that area. Through the Minghui/Clearwisdom website, some practitioners have called upon Dafa disciples in Beijing and the surrounding areas to focus on sending forth righteous thoughts every hour to the other dimensions in the Beijing area. As a Dafa disciple in Tianjin City, I was happy to join them. If more practitioners could assist in intensifying our efforts to eliminate the evil, it would be unable to escape. In addition to the four set times used around the world, I try to send forth righteous thoughts for twenty minutes every hour. Normally I stop what I am doing and sit down with palm erect to send forth righteous thoughts. If I am distributing materials outside, I stop and send righteous thoughts on the street, or I send righteous thoughts before distributing the materials. I do not want to miss a single chance to eliminate the evil.

I have felt very good since beginning to devote additional time to sending forth righteous thoughts. Not only has it eliminated large amounts of evil, but it has also strengthened my concentration. It produces better results with less effort. I would like to share some of the states of mind I experience while sending forth righteous thoughts.

When I recite, "The Fa rectifies the cosmos, the evil is completely eliminated," the thought arises and the energy emerges. I see the golden energy from my body reaching the horizon. It truly "encompasses everything and leaves out nothing."

I have felt a deeper understanding of the concept, "When sending forth righteous thoughts, the practitioner in this dimension does something (eliminating the evil) in other dimensions." It enables the supernormal abilities of practitioners to play a more effective role.

When I send forth righteous thoughts, I see my "self" coming out of my body, as if it were a sack. The sack is sealed, and all distracting thoughts remain enclosed within the sack while a pure "self" goes to the other dimensions to eliminate the evil. I travel within the other dimensions and fly freely. Whether I am standing or sitting, I have no distracting thoughts and do what I am supposed to do wholeheartedly.

After I clear away all undesirable elements from myself and hold my palm erect, I see my body in many dimensions, layer upon layer, wearing yellow clothing. I think of myself as a divine being as tall as the heavens and incomparably noble. Whenever I pass a different dimension, one of my bodies is in that dimension eliminating the evil. When I send forth righteous thoughts with a focused mind, I see that my body has become enormous and powerful.

I have recorded these states of mind to encourage fellow practitioners to place a greater emphasis on sending forth righteous thoughts. Teacher has asked us to do the three things well. Studying the Fa and saving sentient beings are fairly straightforward tasks with results that are easy to see. Sending forth righteous thoughts, however, is a little bit different. Although all practitioners do it, the effects are not so apparent, so it becomes easy for us to slack off. Teacher says in "Fa Teaching at the 2007 New York Fa Conference,"

"But that said, when Dafa disciples around the world send righteous thoughts together at the same time, the power is boundless. So, if each person had been able to handle this matter with very strong righteous thoughts and been doing it very well from the beginning, then perhaps there would be no evil remaining now. It's precisely because many practitioners have been interfered with by one thing or another that it hasn't been done well."

Teacher has pointed this out to us. As Dafa disciples, we should pay closer attention to it.

I suggest that in addition to sending forth righteous thoughts at the four set times used around the world, we do it every hour if our situation permits. This applies particularly to those older practitioners who are at home much of the time and who are not always able to distribute materials or clarify the truth. We should do whatever we can. Dafa disciples who have jobs could set aside time during breaks to send forth righteous thoughts, without having to make a large time commitment. If we focus our attention and efforts, a lot of evil can be eliminated quickly.