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Seize Every Opportunity to Save People

June 24, 2007 |   By Mei Mei, a Practitioner in the Northeastern part of China


I started practicing Falun Gong in 1996. Looking back on the last ten years, there are no words that could describe how much I have obtained from Dafa. Today I am putting my cultivation story on paper as a report to Master.

1. Follow the Fa as Teacher, cultivating oneself well in everything

Master reminds us to study the Fa well in each and every one of his lectures. Master told us early on in "Explaining the Content of Falun Dafa",

"We require you to be a completely extraordinary person, to completely give up your own interests and to be entirely for others."

One day our work unit distributed a housing subsidy reimbursement. Every department's director level personnel received from 15,000 to 20,000 yuan, but I was singled out and got nothing. Some suggested that I should go to the senior management to demand my payment. I told them I was a Dafa practitioner, and I would not fight for such personal benefit. I must follow my Master's request to care about others. The senior management and colleagues all said admirably, "People who practice Dafa stand out from regular people."

On an August day in 2005 I went to the market to buy some groceries. I noticed that there was a fifty yuan bill under my foot. I picked up the money and handed it to the clerk, "Would you please give it back to whoever lost it?" Several customers commented, "Wouldn't it be nice if this old woman saved the money for herself?" I replied, "No, I am a Dafa practitioner, I must be considerate of others. Please give it to the person who lost the money since he or she must feel awful. Tell them Falun Dafa is good."

2. Validate the Fa with Divine power

We all needed to buy winter groceries during the fall. During the fall of 2004, a nearby retired official who was 80 years old bought more than 100 lbs. of vegetables but there was no one helping him to carry the vegetables upstairs, and his children were not living with him. The grocery farmer was very anxious, too. I volunteered to help and together with the farmer we carried all 100 lbs. of vegetables upstairs. The elderly man was very grateful and surprised and asked, "How come you are so strong?" I told him that I practiced Falun Gong and all my ailments were cured. I felt strong all over. The farmer asked, "I thought the government had forbidden people to practice, how come you are still practicing it?" I replied, "It was wrong for Jiang Zemin to persecute and suppress Falun Gong. It was just like the notorious 'Great Cultural Revolution', when good people were persecuted. Falun Gong teaches us to conduct ourselves according to the principles of 'Truth, Compassion, Forbearance.' There is nothing wrong with practicing Falun Gong. Please remember that Falun Dafa is good, and tell your friends in the village." The old official happened to have some flyers telling the truth about Falun Gong that he had picked up before and he knew the facts. He gave the flyer to the farmer to read on the way back and asked him to remember that Falun Dafa is good. Now this elderly gentleman has started to practice Dafa.

3. Persistent in doing the three things well even under surveillance

During these years I, as well as other practitioners have all experienced various degrees of persecution. I have been under surveillance by several people arranged by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) for the past 7 years. Under the protection of Master I have escaped all dangers without harm to this day. Studying the Fa well is the fundamental guarantee of doing the three things well.

The day before the New Year, a family member of a fellow practitioner rushed to my home, informed me that the police had arrested several practitioners, and were planning to take me to the police station, too. I was advised to leave immediately. For safety, I rented an empty room without a heater for the New Year. In April of that year, two more practitioners were arrested, and again it was said that they were targeting me next. One morning, I went to deliver Master's new article to fellow practitioners. I felt uneasy the whole day. When I came home in the evening I noticed that there was a police car in front of my home, but there was no person in the car. I went into my house and my husband said, "Today six police (four men, two women) came to find you, asking where you were. I told them I did not know and they were not very happy. They stayed for a while and left, feeling pretty mad." My children told me, "Mom you better not stay home, it is too dangerous here." Thus, I left home and rented another place. The police did not give up and went to my work unit. My management was very righteous and caring. They asked the police if they had any evidence that I had committed a crime. If they had no evidence, then they should leave me alone. The management further stressed that I was a good worker and there were no problems whatsoever.

During the Lantern Festival in 2003 someone reported me to the police while I was visiting a fellow practitioner. The police went to the practitioner's home to investigate. After the practitioner clarified the facts they left me alone. On May 6, 2003, another practitioner was abducted and I needed to take on the responsibility of distributing the truth clarifying information. One day I was followed by police on motorcycles while distributing information. Fortunately, under the protection of Master, we discovered them early. We avoided the motorcycle police after making some sharp turns.

Why have so many incidents occurred around me lately? Master said,

"Search your inner self whenever you have problems." (Teaching the Fa at the Conference in Canada, Toronto, 1999)

I discovered that I still have the attachment of fear, and my sentimentality was also overwhelming. Since I studied the Fa every day without lapse, reciting Master's Fa-rectification verses and the poem

"Compassion can harmonize Heaven and Earth, ushering in spring
Righteous thoughts can save the people in this world " ("The Fa Rectifies the Cosmos," Hongyin II)

often, I was able to carry out the three tasks without lapse even under the police surveillance.

4. Spread the Nine Commentaries far and wide; cultivate well while persuading people to quit the Communist Party and its affiliated organizations

Since Master published "Turning the Wheel Towards the Human World" in 2005, we as Dafa practitioners, must follow closely the pace of Master's Fa Rectification. It is the Fa Rectification's requirement to spread the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party and persuade people to quit the CCP and its related organizations. It is also a requirement to save people. Only by thoroughly studying Master's Fa lectures can we perform this major critical task. Under several decades of poisonous propaganda and control, people initially did not dare to read the Nine Commentaries and it was very difficult to persuade people to quit the CCP and its affiliated organizations. Even some practitioners did not understand. They thought this is participating in politics and anti-party. There were so many layers of difficulties. Even so, we must firmly believe in Master and Dafa, and we must carry it through to the end.

Since January 2005, I started to persuade my relatives and family members to quit the CCP. At one family gatherings, I persuaded 11 people to quit the CCP and it affiliated organizations. While persuading people to do the "three withdrawals", you will encounter every type of person. Do not worry about others' criticism and finger pointing. Clarify the facts with compassion, peace and patience. If it does not work the first time, then try again for the second time. Once I approached someone a total of four times before he quit the CCP. Any temper flaring wouldn't faze me. They were the victims; we are the ones who have enlightened along the divine path. Now all my family, my in-law's family, as well as some of my colleagues and retired officials have all quit the party.

May 28 2007