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For Safety Purposes, Practitioners Abroad Need to Watch What They Say When Making Phone Calls to Practitioners in China

June 24, 2007 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China


I've noticed recently that a few practitioners abroad have not paid enough attention to safety. When they talked to practitioners in China over the phone, they spoke at will and didn't consider whether the topics were sensitive or not. They didn't think of the safety of the practitioners inside China. I don't think such talk is based on the Fa. In fact, I think it could cause serious results that might damage the Fa.

We know that the environment outside of China is comparably safer. The persecution in China is still quite serious. I hope when calling practitioners inside China, practitioners abroad can be more careful. Do not let evil take advantage of us. We might not realize all of our attachments. But our words and actions need to be based on the Fa. Otherwise, they might be used as excuses for persecution.

We believe this is a serious issue since it is directly related to the safety of practitioners in China. Besides, it involves not just the practitioners who were on the phone. If they were monitored, those who contacted them later on could be affected as well. We hope fellow practitioners abroad can remember this.