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Validate Dafa and Save Sentient Beings with Every Thought

June 29, 2007 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) Several days ago, I happened to hear a conversation between a fellow practitioner and another person. The other person thought that the state of society was not good, and his head ached with concern about his children's education. The practitioner told him that children should be sent to a good school where they could get a better education. The practitioner attributed his child's improvement to the good school. In my opinion, what he said was completely deviated.

My understanding is that, as Falun Dafa disciples during the Fa-rectification period, we should view things from the standpoint of validating the Fa. Organizations and people in society cannot stop their morality from sliding down; only Falun Dafa can save human beings. The improvement of the Falun Dafa disciples' children should not be attributed to some organization or person. Everything originates from Falun Dafa. Our improvement and the improvement of our environment are due to Falun Dafa.

When conversing with ordinary people, we can mention what we have been able to achieve after practicing Falun Gong and how Falun Gong guides and educates children. We can also take the issue of children's education as a chance to clarify the truth about Falun Gong so that people can understand the power of Falun Gong. This way we validate Fa and save sentient beings.

Even if there is no opportunity to clarify the truth, we should be aware when we are thinking from a human point of view and whether we are validating something from human society. When we show off our children to people, are we validating ourselves or do we have the attachment of zealotry? If we feel there is no opportunity to clarify the truth, are some of our notions hindering us? Are we only trying to gain advantages from Falun Gong but do not want to validate the Fa?

Teacher once said,

"I have long noticed that a few individuals do not have the heart to safeguard Dafa, but instead intend to safeguard certain things in human society. If you were an everyday person I would have no objections--it is certainly a good thing to be a good person who safeguards human society. But now you are a cultivator. From what standpoint you view Dafa is fundamental--this is also what I want to point out to you. During your cultivation practice, I will use every means to expose all of your attachments and dig them out at their roots."("Digging Out the Roots" from Essentials for Further Advancement)

Teacher also said,

"These people who only want to take from Dafa and not give for Dafa are, in the eyes of Gods, the worst beings." ("A Suggestion" from Essentials for Further Advancement II)

According to my personal understanding, as Falun Dafa disciples during the Fa-rectification period, the genuine purpose for our coming to the human world is to validate the Fa and save sentient beings. If we do not place emphasis on validating the Fa and saving sentient beings all the time in our minds, we are being selfish and have not followed the path arranged by Teacher.