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Clarifying the Truth and Saving People During Lunch Breaks and Holidays

July 11, 2007 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) I am a Falun Dafa practitioner working for a privately owned company. Because I have to work long hours and don't have two-day weekends, I could seldom find a big chunk of time to clarify the truth and help people withdraw from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its affiliated organizations. To work around this constraint, I invited my old friends and former co-workers to have lunch with me in restaurants. We would talk while eating lunch. We were happy to get together, as we hadn't seen each other for quite some time. After exchanging updates on our lives, I would tell them that the main purpose of our meeting was to tell them about something big that's happening: in the ever-corrupting society, people's moral values are degenerating quickly; all who have damaged the good will be eliminated by history; all benevolent life will remain. Then, based on their individual situation, I would clarify the truth and help them withdraw from the CCP and its affiliated organizations.

Since we are old friends and trust each other, most of them quickly agreed to quit the CCP and its affiliated organizations. Using my lunch break to clarify the truth works well with my busy schedule.

Sometimes I would go to my husband's former classmates' and old friends' parties. I am unfamiliar with most of the people there, and some I have only seen once or twice before. After we got to know each other at the parties, we would exchange business cards when leaving. I work for a medicine and health products company. I would buy a box of high-quality health products at cost from my company and mail it to the new acquaintances, using the address on their business cards. On the back of the product's instruction sheet, I would attach a letter to clarify the truth and to ask them to withdraw from the CCP and its affiliated organizations. Two or three days later, I would call them using the phone number on the cards to check whether they received my gift and letter and whether they agreed to quit. Most of them thanked me for the gift and agreed. I would give them a nickname that they could remember and announce their withdrawal from the CCP on the Epoch Times website.

A few people were hesitant at first and were not sure whether this could help save them. I would further clarify the truth to them.

Using similar methods in my hometown, I helped quite a few people who have a predestined relationship with me to withdraw from the CCP and its affiliated organizations. I haven't been back to my hometown for seven years. For my relatives, old friends, classmates, and former co-workers there, I would send them medicine if I know they are sick or other health products if they are free of illness.

For unmarried young people from my company or friends and family, I often had lunch with them so I could introduce them to each other. Normally, after I finished the introduction, there was a moment of awkward silence as both parties felt shy and nervous. I would use this moment to clarify the truth and help them quit the CCP and its affiliated organizations with very positive results. At that moment, both parties were eager to break the ice. My truth clarification attracted their attention. Additionally, I'm a trustworthy, mature person to them. Most of them immediately said they wanted to withdraw from the CCP.

For other co-workers in my company, I told them I'd like to know them better so that we can work well together and invited them to lunch with me. First, I would send forth righteous thoughts to eliminate evil factors in other dimensions. Then, I would gradually touch on topics of truth clarification and withdrawal from the CCP. My previous truth clarification activities at the office laid the foundation for their willingness to withdraw from the CCP. At work, when there was a conflict between work and doing the three things, I would delegate the work to my co-workers so they could earn more commissions.

Since I have a busy work schedule, holidays are a good time for me to clarify the truth and help more people withdraw from the CCP. Normally, my family would drive to a resort or country club with several other families. We stayed together like one big family. We've been to quite a few areas like Guilin City and Hainan Province, and I helped several families to withdraw from the CCP, so the mark of the communist beast they used to bear was erased.

During the May 1st holiday this year, my family and six other families went to a forest for a vacation. One of the tour guides was a young man interested in vocal music. When he found out that I also liked vocal arts, he requested to be our group's tour guide. While enjoying the beautiful scenes, I taught him the basic skills of vocal music. He sang by the waterfall and mountain streams. After I came home, I mailed him VCDs that would help with his vocal training. I also emailed him truth-clarification materials and a letter to help him withdraw from the CCP. He was grateful for my thoughtfulness and agreed to quit.

Using the above methods to clarify the truth and help people to withdraw from the CCP cost me some money, but I think it is well worth it. On the surface, inviting people to lunch and sending people medicine or health products make ordinary people feel that I care for their well being. In fact, I tried to save people from their fundamental nature. My actions helped people listen to the truth or read the truth clarification materials attentively, agree to withdraw from the CCP and its affiliated organizations, and believe in Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance.

Going forward, I will try harder to do the three things better and use various methods to clarify the truth and save people. I will rid myself of selfishness and attachment to fear and fulfill my great mission as a Dafa disciple in the Fa-rectification period.