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The Story of Young Disciple Yuan Yuan

July 15, 2007 |   By a practitioner in Shandong Province

(Clearwisdom.net) Yuan Yuan is a young Falun Gong practitioner born in 1990. She has been practicing Falun Gong for a few years with her mother. When her mother started to practice Falun Gong in 1998, Yuan Yuan was attending elementary school. She did not understand what cultivation meant, but she was old enough to know that her mother was very ill at the time and became healthy again because of practicing Falun Gong. (Her mother used to suffer from a narrowing of her spinal canal. Severe leg pain caused her to walk with difficulty.)

After China began its suppression of Falun Gong on July 20, 1999, Yuan Yuan's mother decided to go to Beijing and appeal to the State Appeals Office on behalf of Falun Gong. After Yuan Yuan learned of her mother's plan, she asked to tag along. Her mother asked, "Will you be afraid of danger? Will you be frightened if the police should point their guns at you?" "Never!" replied Yuan Yuan.

Thus she went on the journey with her mother to Beijing. Together the mother and the daughter arrived at Tiananmen Square on October 1, 1999. There Yuan Yuan saw many practitioners. Some were displaying banners that read, "Falun Gong is good," some shouted out "Falun Gong is good" and some tried to explain the facts about Falun Gong to the policemen. Yuan Yuan asked the police, "They are good people. Why are you beating up good people?"

Yuan Yuan was very young at the time. She was terrified when the police smashed a two-way radio on her mother's head, causing her ear to bleed profusely. "Why are the police hitting my mother?" Yuan Yuan was confused. She and her mother were violently thrown into a police van full of fellow practitioners shouting in unison, "Falun Gong is good." But the police shut all the doors and windows. Yuan Yuan and her mother were sent to Yanqing County Detention Center about 100 miles away from Beijing where they were illegally detained for two days. Children were not given any food there. Each adult was given only a steamed bun for a meal. Yuan Yuan's mother lost her bag. They had not a penny with them. It was only because a kindhearted fellow practitioner gave them 600 yuan out of compassion that they were able to make it back home after they were released. What Yuan Yuan witnessed in Beijing taught her one thing: Falun Gong practitioners are kindhearted people and the policemen are wicked henchmen of the Chinese Communist Party. The trip made Yuan Yuan all the more determined in her cultivation practice.

After they returned home, Yuan Yuan's mother faced a series of torments. First she was imprisoned in a forced brainwashing center for more than a year. Next she was incarcerated in a women's prison because she refused to give up practicing Falun Gong. She was almost transferred to a forced labor camp. In addition, her work place suspended over a year of her salary. The local Chinese authorities even extorted over 10,000 yuan from Yuan Yuan's family. They had to borrow the money to pay the fine. Yuan Yuan's family was far from rich to start with, but now they became destitute. Yuan Yuan's father had been unemployed for a long time, but now he had no choice but to find laborer work out of town to put food on the table. At nine years old Yuan Yuan was left alone at home with no one to look after her. She was overcome with fear. She was not old enough to live alone, so she often skipped meals and starved. Instant noodles became her daily staple. She blamed the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) for what it had done to her family. Through studying the Fa, Yuan Yuan gradually understood why the CCP is determined to suppress Falun Gong and persecute her mother.

As Yuan Yuan grew up, she persevered in studying the Fa, practicing the Falun Gong exercises, and reading "Minghui Weekly", and other Falun Gong truth-clarification materials under the watchful eye of her mother. However, she has been very busy with school since she started high school in 2005. Every evening Yuan Yuan studies the Fa for 30 to 60 minutes. Sometimes when she misses the set hour to send forth righteous thoughts, she will recite the formula in her heart and send forth righteous thoughts quietly without doing the hand sign. At the end of 2004, The Epoch Times published the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party and Yuan Yuan withdrew from the CCP's Youth League and Young Pioneers. Next she began to tell her peers the truth about the CCP and persuade them to withdraw from the two organizations as well. She even approached the schoolteacher in charge of her class and explained to her the truth about the CCP. In her spare time, Yuan Yuan joins her mother to distribute materials containing important facts about Falun Gong and the CCP. They removed banners with anti-Falun Gong slurs and portraits of the CCP's leaders from the streets. Under Teacher's compassionate protection, Yuan Yuan has been doing the Three Things solidly and comporting herself according to the principles of Falun Gong at all times. Moreover, Yuan Yuan, a student in a Gifted Class, has advanced from 40th to 20th in the class .

During Yuan Yuan's first year in high school (equivalent to grade 10 in the U.S.) she discovered anti-Falun Gong slurs one day in the political education textbook. Yuan Yuan was devastated. When the Political Education teacher was teaching that particular lesson, Yuan Yuan decided to explain to her class what Falun Gong really is and is not in order to release her peers from the CCP's poisonous lies about Falun Gong. She was very nervous because she had never been eloquent and had never spoken in public before. It was a big challenge for her. During the class, Yuan Yuan kept thinking about the speech she was going to make. She paid no attention to the lecture. The class seemed incredibly long to her. Finally, she overcame her fear and walked up to the podium with about about seven minutes left before recess.

But when the entire class was looking at her, Yuan Yuan forgot completely about her speech. Her mind went blank. She was no longer nervous although she knew she had become the center of everyone's attention. She thought of only one thing: she was doing the most righteous thing and every word she was about to say would shock and deter the evil beings in other dimensions. Then she was no longer afraid.

Yuan Yuan told her classmates, "The so-called Self-Immolation at Tiananmen Square was a hoax. The hate propaganda against Falun Gong on TV is made up of lies fabricated by the Chinese Communist Party. Falun Gong teaches its students to follow the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance and to become better people." Then the recess bell chimed. Yuan Yuan thought she hadn't said enough because she had not talked about how popular Falun Gong is outside of China. Yet she was pleasantly surprised when the class gave her a warm round of applause. She was very pleased. It appears that her peers were cheering her for her valor or cheering themselves for having learned the truth about Falun Gong. Her Political Education teacher was standing in the corner watching Yuan Yuan, but he did not say anything. Did her Political Education teacher teacher help spread the CCP's lies about Falun Gong in order to keep his job and provide for his family?

Later Yuan Yuan found an opportunity to explain the truth about Falun Gong to the schoolteacher in charge of her class, who, after acknowledging the truth about Falun Gong, did not make any objection. His only advice to Yuan Yuan was not to neglect her education.

Another time, Yuan Yuan's Chinese Language teacher was teaching about Qin Shi Huang in class. Qin Shi Huang (or First Emperor of the Qin Dynasty) outlawed Confucianism and buried many of its scholars alive, banning and burning all books other than those officially decreed for the purpose of releasing people from the cage of Confucianism. The Chinese Language teacher added a personal comment that "Falun Gong, too, is another ideology that cages people's mind." He said this because he did not understand anything about Falun Gong other than the CCP's hate propaganda against Falun Gong. Yuan Yuan immediately raised her hand and objected. "That's not true." She began to tell the class important facts about Falun Gong. The Chinese Language teacher stopped her because he was in the middle of a class. Yet Yuan Yuan's interruption stopped the evil beings manipulating the language teacher to defame Falun Gong because he didn't say anything against Falun Gong again.

Since April 2007, Minghui Radio has been broadcasting the Falun Gong exercise music to China via W5 Satellite in Europe so that practitioners in China may have a virtual group exercise environment. Despite her demanding school work, Yuan Yuan and her mother have been practicing the exercises at 3:50 a.m. every day.

I hope that millions of young Falun Gong practitioners in China will continue to clarify the truth about Falun Gong in their own environments to save schoolteachers and students in China from the CCP's poisonous lies and wicked ideology.